Chapter Thirty-Five

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"All we know is that someone else was at the airport when Caim was working on the airplane, and he asked them to help fix the wiring.  The person obviously did them wrong, which was a fatal error that killed Caim once he had to test out his work," Dana reminds us.

"So that means the chances of Caim having made a mistake and accidentally blowing himself up are much, much lower," Evangeline agrees.

"But he was the Ultimate Steampunk Engineer!  He wouldn't have made a mistake like that in the first place, so there's no way it was an accident," Will points out.

"It's without a doubt that whoever did the wiring killed Caim," Iris says.  There's a steely edge to his voice, but at this point it doesn't faze me.

"Then the real question is why?" I chime in. "Why kill Caim of all people?"

I think about my own question for a minute.  Why Caim?  There's no way it's like the first case, where the culprit didn't know who they would be killing and just so happened to kill Tristan.  This had to have been intentional- Caim was the one working on the plane, and Caim was the one who asked for help.  So there had to have been a reason.

...make that two reasons, actually.  Two possible reasons.

"I actually think I can answer my own question," I say after I collect my thoughts. "There's two good reasons for why the culprit would've killed Caim.  The first is if they somehow knew that Caim was the traitor, or at least was fairly certain he was the traitor.  But that seems kind of risky, so the only other reason I see the culprit killing Caim would be if the roles were flipped..."

"...and the culprit is the traitor," Dana finishes.

"So if we find the culprit, we find the traitor, too," Will says.

"But the only evidence is the edited audio coverage," Mononity interjects, reminding everyone that he's still here.  However, he's not dangling from the ceiling this time, just simply tied up next to Monokumace's throne.

"If you're tryin' to say it's not fair, I knew that already," Monokumace snickers. "But hey, it wouldn't be fair for the traitor either if I left their voice in.  Their life's already on the line."

"And so are ours!" Will snaps. "All of us that are innocent might die if we don't figure this out!  The traitor clearly wants to wipe us out now that they're at risk of exposure, so they picked off Caim when given the opportunity and know that we have no way to figure it out!"

"So that's it, then?" Evangeline asks quietly. "There really isn't anything we can do?"

"No, there's one thing we can do," I object. "We have to talk it out and hope that something doesn't add up.  On that note, can everyone share their alibis and where they were all day today?"

"Sure thing," Dana answers.  She takes a second to map it out in her mind before starting. "I woke up bright and early to get to the kitchen in order to get cooking.  I was there when the morning announcement went off, and everyone came in to eat at different times.  Caim arrived around... I'd say around seven-thirty-ish, so I'd say that he hadn't gone to the airport yet.  He left pretty soon after, though, and then I didn't see him after that.  I kind of just hung out in the kitchen and hotel lobby the entire day until I heard the explosion and immediately knew something had happened."

"I think Caim must've gone to the airport between then and right before noon," I say. "He woke me up around eleven, and then he asked me to check on Iris.  After that, Iris and I saw him over on the fifth island collecting supplies for the airplane.  I think Caim might've gone to do some work and then realized he needed more materials.  I did see him heading over to the airport before I went to find Iris, but I don't know if there was enough time between that and the explosion for someone to have visited the airport, sabotaged the wires, and then gone and gotten an alibi only to rush right back without drawing suspicion.  So logically, the actual sabotaging should've been between seven-thirty and eleven o'clock."

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