Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I stand there, frozen in shock. Sophie's mutilated body still oozes with blood on the ground in front of me, her lifeless eyes wide with terror. My heart jumps up to my throat, and I can't find the words, nor do I have any I'd want to say anyway. I then turn and run as fast as I can. There needs to be a second person to discover the body in order for an announcement to be made. I need to find someone, anyone.

"Azrael?" Oh, thank god. I turn to see Evangeline hurrying across the bridge to me, still holding a pitcher of water.

"I was just coming to tend to the plants over here, what's wrong?" she asks worriedly, setting down the pitcher as she reads my expression.

I don't say anything, just grab her wrist and pull her towards the haunted house.  I don't care that she looks confused, I need her to know what happened.

"Did something scare you?" she tries.

My throat is too dry to answer. I drag her through the haunted house, into the hospital-themed room, and point at the body. She gasps, her hands flying to her mouth.

"Sophie?" she whispers hoarsely.

And then the announcement finally plays.

"A body has been discovered! You lot have ONE HOUR, so make the most of it! You can almost say you need to get... creative... with this one!"

"That... cockwomble!" Evangeline spits out, her fists shaking with anger. "Dear heavens, this is terrible!"

"Okay. Okay." I take a deep breath, running a hand through my hair. When I woke up this morning, there was one piece that completely stuck out and won't budge. That doesn't matter right now, though. What matters is figuring out what happened to Sophie.

My digital handbook buzzes in my hoodie pocket, reminding me that it still exists. With shaking hands, I pull it out and turn it on, watching as the screen flickers to life with words that hurt to read.

Case Update

Name of Victim: Sophie O'Reilly

Talent: Ultimate Digital Artist

Time of Death: 12:30 PM

Cause of Death: Severe mutilation and partial severing of torso

"What could've possibly done this?" Evangeline gapes at her digital handbook. "No one in the right mind would be so... brutal!"

She's right. Looking at Sophie's body, it's so horribly messed up that it's difficult to know for sure what kind of weapon caused her untimely death. There's too much blood to even figure out what's just blood and what's the actual wounds.

"I'll go inform everyone of the scenario," the herbologist decides. I hear her footsteps fade away as she leaves. Now, it's just me and the body.

"There's gotta be something," I mutter under my breath. "C'mon, Sophie, please have left a dying message for us..."

In my heart, though, I know that her expression proves she was caught off-guard. There is no name written in blood, or accessory from the killer gripped in her fist, or anything of the sort. It's just her broken body. I have to be sure, though. I attempt to roll up my sleeves, which are too heavy to stay up, and ultimately just throw my hoodie aside before slowly reaching out and checking her bag. Nothing but her digital handbook and tablet inside, the latter covered in a spiderweb of cracks. It breaks my heart to see the thing she loved as broken as she is. I move to close the bag, but something catches my eye. I did miss something- a small, crumped piece of paper, slightly smeared with blood. I suck in a breath as I take it and smooth out the paper, my eyes scanning the words.

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