Chapter Eight

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Nobody says or does anything for a long moment after the screen turns off.  Zeben then turns and walks away without a word.  I still can't believe that any of this is happening.  Hell, why is this happening? What did we do to deserve this?

"You did a great job," Stolas says to me.

I glare at him. "Why did you make me do that? You knew it was Rori, didn't you?"

"I knew ever since we saw the poison in the bottom of the mug," Stolas answers truthfully. "I figured that it seemed to be some sort of poison berry, and who better to know wild berries than the wilderness survivalist himself?"

"But why did you make me accuse him?" I demand.

Stolas shakes his head. "I never made you do anything. But if you want an answer, it's because I need to make sure that I'm not the only one doing detective work. I fear that if I am to die at some point, then there would be nobody to take my place. Do you understand what I'm saying? If I am ever unavailable to lead the discussion, I need to know that someone else can fill in my shoes. Can you do that, Sophie?"

"But why me?" I press. I don't get it. "Why did you pick me when there's so many smarter people in the group?"

"I admit, it's an odd choice, but solving a case is not just about intelligence," he explains. "One needs to be able to think outside the box and consider even the most unusual of scenarios. When I think of that, I think of someone creative, such as yourself."

I'm flattered. I really am. But Stolas is still a b*tch for doing this to me.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, but that was still a d*ck move," I tell him.

Stolas doesn't react. "I am aware, but you must understand. I promise you, Sophie, that what you've done to prove yourself shall not go unrecognized by me. Until I die, you will not find a need to strain yourself for answers. Just make sure to try solving the case as well, so that brain of yours stays sharp."

"You seem awfully confident that you're going to die," I point out.

He exhales deeply. "The truth is, I am more than certain that I will. Someone like me who is strong both physically and mentally most certainly has a target on his back. Especially after the first trial, people are now fully aware of what I may be capable of. That's why I needed to weed out who I can rely on so early on in this killing game."

"Early on? Nobody else is gonna die, Stolas."

"I fear that you may be wrong there, Sophie. We all deny that such things happen, but that doesn't stop them from happening anyways. It is inevitable that someone else will die. It's simply a matter of when."

Well isn't he optimistic. I'm sure he gets all the ladies back at home.

As we walk back across the bridge to the first island, I ask, "Why are you so... cold?"

Stolas hardly even bats an eye. "I get that a lot. It's simply a part of my training. I grew up and improved my skills by not allowing emotions to get in the way. If I stopped and fussed over every little thing, I would have gotten nowhere. But learning to not rely on them has helped me grow even stronger in all categories. It's not being cold, it's just staying strong regardless of the conditions."

I... still think that's pretty cold. I don't say anything else as we make our way back to the cottages, where he bids me good night as he disappears behind his door. I realize that after Rori's execution, any exhaustion has left my body. I don't know if I'll be able to fall asleep ever again. I didn't even realize that I'm shaking, which becomes easier to see as I enter the brightly-lit hotel lobby. Hell, I'm also pale as a ghost. Better get some tea going, then.

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