Chapter Seventeen

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The last building on the island is a hospital.  When Caim and I enter the building, we almost immediately run into Marzy and Evangeline.

"...I do agree that we could use a small Lamiaceae patch somewhere.  I'm certain Dana would love to put it to use," Marzy is saying as we approach.

"I'm sure Dana wouldn't be the only one to use it," Evangeline giggles before looking up and seeing me and Caim. "Oh, I'm sorry!  How long have you been standing there?"

"Not too long," I assure her. "What are you guys, uh, talking about?"

"We were just discussing our favorite plants," Marzy explains. "Of course, as a biologist, I am familiar with the families and other groupings of all of them, so Evangeline and I discovered that we have an overlap in specialities."

"What's..." Caim tries.

Marzy snorts.

Evangeline quickly responds, "Lamiaceae?  It's the mint family."

"Oh!" Caim perks up at the realization. "I like mint!"

"As do I." Evangeline pauses. "Caim, would you like to accompany me on my trip to the ruins?  I just remembered that I wanted to make sure there are no poisonous plants that could harm anyone, and I'm sure you know your way around tools."

He gives her a big grin. "I'd love to!"

As they leave, Marzy takes a second before telling me, "Evangeline just remembered that I'd told her a few minutes ago that she would be helping me sort through and clean out all the cabinets in the hospital."

"So she threw me under the bus," I grimace.  Marzy nods.

"Well, let's get to it, Sophie," he says, leading me into the first room.  From there, he begins handing me various bottles and telling me to check the expiration dates.

"Um, they all seem to be fine so far," I say as I put the fifth bottle back on the shelf. "Nothing expires until, like, six months from now at the least."

"That's nice to hear.  But we have to make sure that everything else is fine as well.  Including syringes that could be used, tools that could be rusty... you get the point.  Medical practices require little to no error.  We cannot be lazy when it comes to the health of our classmates."

"...I thought you're a biologist."

Marzy gives me a look. "Tell me, then, have you ever taken a biology class?"

"I mean, I did a few years ago," I reply.

"And what did you learn?" he presses.

I stop to think for a moment. "We learned about the human body, and veins and arteries, and the cardiovascular system, and the respiratory system, and... oh."

Marzy gives a curt nod. "I may not have the proper medical training, but biology is closely connected to it in a variety of places.  God forbid should someone get injured, I would not hesitate to do what I can to help.  Especially now that the closest thing we had to a doctor is deceased, we need to be sure that we have someone to fill the role.  I will gladly be that person."

So we'll actually have a doctor.  Good to know.

"What if you die, though?" I point out. 

Marzy furrows his brow. "We all declined quite possibly the best motive to kill that Monokumace could think of.  Except for Ryn, who ultimately paid the price.  I highly doubt that after that, anyone would make a move.  Mind you that even if someone tried, they would immediately get tag-teamed by you and Stolas."

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