Chapter Eleven

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How I fell asleep last night, I'm not really sure.  I don't know how anyone would be able to fall asleep after being offered a chance to see their family in exchange for killing someone.  I mean, I know I rejected the offer and all, but the fact that it happened in the first place still kind of freaks me out.  I roll out of bed and stumble over to the mirror to tame the wild cyan-and-brown strands sticking out everywhere.  I manage to herd it all into one hand and finally put it up in a ponytail, then throw on my clothes and whatever else I end up doing in the morning because by now, it's all just second nature and I do it all subconsciously.

I slip out of my cottage and see Azrael emerging from his own right across the way.  He's pulling his sweatshirt on when he sees me, and quickly averts his gaze.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, hoping that he picks up on me trying to coax him into talking.

"Oh, um," he mumbles after a second, looking back at me. "Nothing much."

"Have you been writing poetry lately?" I try.

Azrael's eyes wander elsewhere as his ears turn pink. "I mean- I- I guess... sometimes...?  N-nothing too good."

"You're an award-winning poet," I remind him. "Of course it's good- your stuff rivals, like, Shakespeare."


"I'm serious!"

Azrael buries his hands in his pockets as we begin walking together towards the hotel to grab breakfast.

"So besides poetry, what have you been doing around here?" I break the silence again.  God, Azrael, give me something to work with here!

"Uh... just exploring, I guess?" he shrugs. "And listening to Iris play the flute... and maybe talking with Zeben and Dana too?  They're nice."

Okay.  That's something.

"Yeah, they are," I agree. "What drink did Dana make you for the dinner party?"

He thinks momentarily before responding, "I think it was... maybe a mocha of some kind?  It was good... it had chocolate shavings on top."

Wow, that does sound good. "I'm kinda jealous."

"What did you get, then?  No shot Dana gave you anything gross."

"Warm apple cider.  Had a hint of some kind of spice."

"The why are you jealous of my drink?" Azrael raises an eyebrow. "That's great.  And besides, if you want a mocha so badly, ask Dana when we go inside."

"For someone who was barely talking a minute ago, you're really good at speaking," I comment.

Azrael smiles. "I'm the Ultimate Poet.  What did you expect?  I've gotta have a way with words or my work means nothing."

I open the door for him, and we enter into the hotel lobby.  As soon as he spots Iris, he disappears from my side.  Oh well, at least he has someone to keep him company.  I turn left and walk through the dining room into the kitchen to see-

"Oh, Sophie!  I was just about to go see if you were awake yet!  I had a feeling you'd need this." Dana hands me a warm mug.  While I can't see what the drink is, it's topped with quickly-melting whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

"Dana!" I gape. "I was just talking about this with Azrael!"

"What can I say?" She gives me a wink. "I'm just too good."

I take a sip of the mocha and sigh.  The temperature is perfect, too- just hot enough that it's warm on my lips but not enough to burn them.  I have no idea how this f*cking witch does it.  God, I love her.

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