Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The courtroom is different than the one we've been going to for the other trials; I mean, that's a given, but it still feels weird.

"Take your place at whatever podium ya feel like!" Monokumace tells us from their throne, the only think that's remained unchanged.

I approach the podium closest to me and look down.  Engraved in the wood is the name A. Diaz.  I don't know who that is, but I hope to god they're doing alright and somehow made it out of this crazy game.  Next to me, Iris is standing behind a podium engraved with the name E. Rodriguez.  I try to meet his gaze, but he doesn't look at me.

"Who's A. Somerset?" Dana asks Monokumace, who simply shrugs in response.

"None of your concern!" they sneer. "Would it make ya feel better if I Sharpie'd D. Reynolds over it?"

"Enough.  Why are we here?  What's the point of any of this?  Balance has been restored and the blackeneds have all paid for their crimes, so what on earth are we missing?" Iris asks, his tone steely as he glares at Monokumace.

"Whoa there, ya flute-playin' tiger!" they snicker. "I promise ya, I'm gettin' to it!  Now, how's about we take a breath before we start.  In and out, kiddos.  In and out.  It's all nearly over now!"

"I don't like where this is going," Dana says.

"Just relax!  This ain't another life-or-death trial.  I swear it!  But first, there's a whole lot ya gotta know..." Monokumace kicks their legs excitedly. "I guess ya wouldn't wanna hear it from me, though.  So you're gonna hear it straight from the source!"

"The source?" Evangeline repeats.

"Yep!  But first, can we get Mr. Mopey over here to focus?  Nothing's gonna get repeated, and he's gonna wanna be here for this." 

All eyes go to Will, who's still zoned out.  Evangeline leans over and waves a hand in front of his face before poking his shoulder.  Still no response.

"Ugh, jus' take his camera from him or something!" Monokumace groans.

Dana approaches the videographer and begins to speak softly to him. "Hey.  Will.  We need you here, buddy."

She keeps this up until, much to my surprise, Will blinks, clarity returning to his eyes again as he looks around. "Hm?"

Dana rubs his back reassuringly. "Good to have you back, Willson."

He gives her a tired yet betrayed look. "Not the real name!"

"Okay, he's back!  Welcome to the final trial, Mr. Jones," Monokumace greets. "You've survived!  Good for ya.  And now we can really begin.  Let's start with some background information!  A long time ago, about two years ago, some random fifteen year-old with a passion for gamin' got invited to Hope's Peak, declined, and was invited back to play god under circumstances that I'm too lazy to explain.  The mastermind.  Basically, you're here right now 'cause of 'em.  On this crazy virtual island."

"Virtual?!" I echo.

Monokumace giggles. "Virtual!  Everything around ya?  It ain't real!  How did ya think there could be an entire school in the ruins without ya knowing it?  You're in a simulation, kids.  Nothing's real!"

"This is... it's all virtual?" Dana exclaims, mortified.

"B-but why?  And how?" Iris presses. 

"For your safety, of course!  But..." They pause, their permanent grin widening as they begin to glitch out and a smoky haze fills the room. "How's about our mastermind explains it themself, huh?"

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