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What did he just ask?

"Are you alright, Kiara?" He repeated once more, that Italian accent rolling off his tongue with ease. My heart was beating as loud as drums and after pressing my own hand to my chest to try and calm myself down, I looking up at him.

The man who pulled a gun on me last week is asking if I'm ok.

I nodded lightly, watching his shoulders slack before he let out a heavy breath. He wore a black shirt with sweatpants and I won't lie—at first I thought he was out to gun me down. A hand ran through his wavy hair once he placed his gun back in his pocket and with a sigh, he nodded, "Good."


As dangerous of a man I knew he was, I couldn't help but to feel a wave of relief crash down onto me once I realised he was the one who got me out of that situation. He let out a tsk before looking elsewhere then back down at me.

"Bunny," he sounded. God dammit that fucking name. "You do realise how dangerous it is to walk alone at night, right?" His brows were quick to knit.

I looked away. "You're the dangerous one here," I muttered stubbornly, not expecting his gaze to weaken very lightly upon hearing those words. He retracted his hands back, laying them against his sides once he completely settled his gaze on me, silently.

I almost regretted what I said because if anything, he was the one who just saved me. Albeit, one thing came to mind, and that was his business being here.

A frown was quick to appear once more and quickly pushing myself away from him, I looked up to meet his face, which blossomed an expression of confusion. "Are you following me?" I asked, almost judgementally.

He frowned back and took a step back to give me some space, which honestly surprised me.

"This is our fourth-"

"I know what it looks like, but trust me it's a coincidence," he muttered, gently pushing me towards the front where the road was back in my view, just so I could get away from the darker corners of the avenue. My words blocked my throat and I gritted my teeth, urging them to come out before I spun around and met him head on.

"What do you mean a coincidence? You just so happened to be walking around at 10pm?" I argued, "And you just shot a fucking man like it's nothing."

"You want to go help that prick?" He scowled out, locking eyes with me. With the somewhat soothing sounds of cars driving past us along the road, I slowly shook my head, unable to speak.

"That's what I thought," he nodded lightly, never once moving his gaze. "I was doing my rounds around the city and found you, that's all Kiara. Pure coincidence."

My head dropped to face the concrete in an attempt to give me some space to breathe. It must've been 10:30 at this point and still having a long ways to go, I cleared my throat and straightened my jacket. "Thank you, Domenico."

His eyes flickered to something much softer and to my surprise, he let a small, faint grin spread on his face. "It's nothing," he brushed my curls back from my face, though pulled back once he realised my teary eyes.

I was just tired. Mad. Frustrated and confused. Those emotions just mixed together to create one hell of an overwhelmingly emotional drug. I sniffled, gently dabbing my lashes before looking back at the road. "I should get home."

Bunny |18+|Where stories live. Discover now