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"Funny." The man looked down at me, tilting his head lightly as a tongue grazed the front of his teeth. "I expected more safety precautions. Especially from a thief like yourself, bellissima."

What the fuck?

It was as if time itself just stopped and the world froze for hours on end. Guerra stood before me, in my own apartment—in my own room. The door behind me was quickly shut as a rough, ring bearing hand was pushed against it. In almost an instance I slipped past him after my mind once again chose flight before he grabbed my wrist with such a hard grip I felt the blood stop running.

Are you fucking suicidal, Kiara?!

"Sit." He ordered and pulled me in then let me go at the last second, only to watch me fall down on my bed til the springs of my mattress pushed me up.

I stammered, "I-"

"Close that mouth." He muttered and I instantly picked my jaw back up, watching with both crippling fear and utter confusion as he walked closer to me. Of course now he wasn't shirtless—he wore a casual black dress suit with a few buttons undone from the top, casually giving me a glimpse of that same silver dogtag that laid right above his inked chest.

Dom it read.

My heart pounded to the rhythm of a fucking siren. The hairs on my skin erected just like hours before as I stared up at the man glaring down at me. Now that the room was lit up I got to see his facial features up close, and fuck was it both chilling and hot.

My lips quivered like a bitch, and I almost forgot who I was for a split second. My eyes scanned around the bedroom, before laying steadily on my black handgun on the nightstand.

"Don't even try it." The words crawled out of his mouth with such a soothing dark accent it killed me. "I've got my own."

Immediately, my gaze picked up the black handgun, the outline poking from under his dress shirt. He adjusted it slightly once the aroma of his intoxicatingly dark cologne filled my nose, almost suffocating me in a cold, yet comforting embrace.

"Who the.." I muttered in a quiet voice before he raised his brows, urging me to speak louder.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Dirty mouth." He spoke in a disturbingly soft voice, though one that echoed throughout the deafeningly silent bedroom. His eyes wandered elsewhere, looking around my apartment. "You have a nice room."

"You're ignoring me." I cleared my throat. Fuck, it was like I was begging for a death wish. I didn't even realise what I said was remotely ticking him off before his sharp eyes laid back on mine, latching onto them and never letting go. Almost instantly I looked down at my legs before scooting back to cross them. Shame, Kiara. Shame.

Despite staring down at my legs, I saw the creases in his clothes fold in my outer view as he slowly bent down from above, getting close enough that I could pretty much hear him breathe. "I can't fully answer that question, bunny." The words fell out of his mouth ever so gently. "Especially when you were bold enough to enter my own house without my knowledge too. Twice."

He breathed. "Come ci si sente, tesoro?" [translation: how does that feel, sweetheart?]

His presence was so fucking great that it filled the room with such an oppressive weight, suffocating me in a heap of intoxication and crippling frustration. My lips sealed tight as I tried my very best to avoid those grey eyes looking down at me, clinging onto my hoodie for safety.

Bunny |18+|Where stories live. Discover now