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Malik shot up from the couch and glared down at Roman, who seemingly sat back on his palms as he gave his brother a chocolate-covered grin. I probed. "Who the fuck is Guerra?"

"Guerra enterprises. Guerra estates—you don't know this?" Malik gave me an offended look as if I was to blame by asking an innocent question. "He's a huge successful businessman in the market here in New York and all over, I'm surprised you didn't even know." He then turned to Roman and narrowed his eyes. "Matter of fact, I'm surprised you're even associating him with drugs.

"Just like what Kiara says all the time." Roman cocked his head to the side, taking another spoonful of the cake. "All the guys who make the big bucks only crave for more money. Most businessmen and millionaires are corrupt either way."

"Yeah I guess that's true." Malik spoke. "Bloodsport from suicide squad used to sell weed."

"No waaay." I gasped, placing a palm over my lips.

Roman rolled his eyes. "We're getting off topic. Guerra is our only shot of making it big. I'm sure he's got Ferraris or Lambos that we could take too. Reckon they'd price really well on the market."

"I heard he's got a sick ass wardrobe. Then we wouldn't have to wear whatever filth we're wearing right now." Malik spoke, looking me up and down and with a sarcastic gasp, I pinched my shirt and looked down at it.

I frowned. "This isn't bad-"

"You don't have to lie, it's ok." He hushed.

If anything gets rid of my guilt of stealing, it's the thought of taking a pinch of a treasure others are too greedy to share with. I wouldn't lie by calling myself Robin Hood but as long as the residents are happy, then I'll be fine. Guerra seems to be the cash load in the centre of this problem and as risky as it sounds, I think it'd be worth a shot. "What do you guys think?"

Roman shrugged. "You're the birthday girl, you choose-"

"No no." Malik uttered, shaking his head. "We literally just got away with a bank robbery. We should stay low for a while, plus I'm not gonna fucking trust some jackass you just met in an alleyway, especially with what happened today."

"See, you say this shit when you're the one complaining that we didn't get a big cash load today." Roman stood up and grunted out, glaring down at Malik. "You want to help Dani? This is how we fucking help-"

"At least have some fucking sense in your brain you mindless fuck." My two brothers were starting to get heated up, and I doubt this'll all go down without a fight. "If you wanna get a load, let's just do Kiara's original plan of hijacking the car dealership. At least then we aren't fucking around with some drug dealer-"

"Can you guys shut up?" I lashed out, earning my apartment some peace once the two men looked down at me. They were both right, the childish pricks. Yes, we should stay low but on the other hand, we've got the opportunity to make it rich. An opportunity to provide. In the midst of holding back my temper I stood up and walked towards the window, looking up at the grey clouds brewing in the sky.

A storm is coming.

"Where.." I muttered, biting my nail before looking back at Roman. "Where is the guy's place?"

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