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"Kiara," Malik drawled out with a grimace, "What the hell are you doing?"

With a nail in between my teeth, I hammered the one protruding out into the wall, the sounds of banging echoing through my apartment. Sweat beaded from my forehead before I took the other one out from my mouth and twisted it into the ply wall.

"Making a lock," I muttered before hammering that one in. I could tell Malik was glaring at me with pure confusion etched on his face, slowly cocking his head to the side with a frown. With my eyes flickered to his, I gave him a lazy shrug before going back to my work.

"The chain is unnecessary," he crossed his arms and chuckled, "You literally just need a key, sis."

"I've already ordered one down at the locksmith, I'm just putting up extra shit," I gritted my teeth, eventually giving up on the hammer and twisted the rest of the nail in using my bare fingers before securing it with a harsh pat of my palm.

He eventually walked into my apartment and with a gentle push of the door, I grabbed the end of the chain and secured it to the wall, giving him a satisfied grin once I tugged the door to emphasise my pride.

"It's tilted," he criticised, "And the if you slam the door open hard enough, the latch will fly off."

"Ok, but it's on the wall," I shrugged, "Is that not good enough for you?"

"According to physics," Malik shrugged, mocking me. What a tease. I glared, furrowing my brows before I walked over to grab my purse on the kitchen counter. After my second encounter with Domenico (third if you counted that break-in) I decided that the most mature thing to do was to push my delusions aside and actually lock my door.

He still is a stranger—a complete stranger who not only pressed a gun to my head, but he also broke into my house. And don't forget he's a direct link to Ndrangheta! Bet you didn't remember that little bit of detail, did you?

But he also made you tea, Kiara.

"Fuck the tea," I mumbled, making sure to stuff some notes from my money tin into my purse since I never took it upon myself to get a physical card. Malik looked at me in confusion.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing," I said, letting out a light humourless chuckle after I unknowingly spoke out my thoughts. It was 8pm, a bit too late to go out but I'll let it pass. After pulling on my jacket, I opened the door and discreetly pushed Malik out, "Ok get out."

"Oh, so you don't love me anymore," he scoffed out, his words laced with dripping sarcasm before he turned, crossing his arms dramatically. "Fucking asshole."

"Goodnight, Malik," I rolled my eyes, only to be met with a smile and a nod of his chin before he made his way upstairs. Nora should be home by now so I didn't really need to check up on Carter to make sure he wasn't up playing on his little Nintendo console. Wanting to pester Dani, I walked into her apartment, surprised to see her up in the kitchen, looking over paperwork.

"Mama," I spoke out, eventually catching her attention. "You alright? You need anything I'm about to go out to pick up my key."

"No no baby I'm fine," she grinned, but I could tell something was stressing her. I've known the woman for years, I knew when she was lying. Taking a few steps in I glossed over the paperwork, watching her little facade eventually slip before she took another drag of the cigarette resting on the ash tray.

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