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I couldn't even make it back keeping my eyes open.

Food always got me sleepy, especially with whatever hearty dish I managed to stuff down my throat. I didn't even realise I passed out til I felt my body being lifted from the seat and straight into thick arms. My own circled Domenico's neck whilst my head gently laid onto a cushioned shoulder, followed by a gentle kiss to my lips.

Smoke. Sin. Winter.


It was cold out, and with the gentle grace of the slight breeze's touch to my skin, the hair on my skin immediately erected, sparking a burst of involuntary shivers. It took nearly every ounce of my willpower to keep myself in tact.

A gust of heat brushed against our bodies once I saw the door of the building close behind us, following the slight bouncing of my body as he moved upstairs before we stopped in front of my apartment. "Keys, bunny," he whispered.

Already having the strap of my wallet wrapped around my wrist, I fished into it and pulled the metal piece out, handing it to Domenico. Within seconds, he turned the lock then quietly walked in, not bothered to turn on the main lights.

The sound of his phone vibrating in his pocket pushed me to wake up slightly.

"Don't tell me you're leaving already," I whispered softly in a somewhat pleading tone, feeling his hands slip to my body once he began lowering me down onto the couch.

He grinned, "You're tired, Kiara. It's late already, I shouldn't keep you up like this anyways." A hushed whisper left his lips once it made contact with my own.

I frowned drowsily. The one time I genuinely felt like I needed him in my apartment of all places... It was weird, and if Kiara from two weeks ago saw how this all played out, I reckon she'd be horrified. Domenico was a criminal, yes, but so was I. We aren't that different.

And for the first time, I yearned for his touch. His comfort. His warmth and those gorgeous deep eyes of his—the same ones as dark as the grey clouds that loomed over us when we first met.

My eyes fluttered softly, feeling his lips part as a release of his hot breath fanned my flesh before he pushed back down, deepening the kiss. My hand fisted, though bravely inched up to cup his cheeks just as he pulled his head away slightly to look down at me. He was wickedly gorgeous, and staring up for a bit too long did I make out the very intricate details of his handsome face.

Thick lashes, dark-sharp brows with one of the most striking eyes ever. He blinked, letting out yet another hot breath before kissing my forehead and standing up to normal height just as he reached into his pocket. "Give me a minute baby," he uttered.

I nodded, watching him walk over to turn a lamp on near the corner of the lounge before making his way over to the kitchen, turning the exhaust vent fan on and automatically setting light on the stove top before him. "The fuck do you want now, Camillo?" He growled.

Faint voices were muffled by his ear as I watched him fill my kettle up with water, before placing it on the lit stove top. I didn't want to believe it, but judging from the tone of his voice to his brother over the phone only meant there was probably another emergency.


How desperate do you want to look, Kiara? I thought to myself. Believe it or not, I don't have a phone. I don't—never could afford to get one with the loose change I had since it was put aside for my necessities. Domenico gave me a look, a flicker of his eye as he pressed the device to his shoulder, preparing tea for me.

Bunny |18+|Where stories live. Discover now