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"On the fucking ground!" A voice roared from the ground floor, echoing throughout the city bank. "Now!"

Footprints tapped against the tiles as a line of bankers quickly followed the man's orders, taking their seats in front of the barricaded desks that were pointed at the other end of his commando rifle. Fitted into black garments, he wore a hood over his head, completed with a basic white poker mask—identical to the one that I'm currently wearing atop my head.


I didn't need to hear the words he spoke as he kneeled down in front of the women, his hand out. One by one, each one of them cautiously placed their bangles, necklaces and rings into his gloved palms, which he delightfully shoved into the back pocket of his cargo pants.

My lips pursed, a whistle ringing out and eventually grabbing his attention. "Have you checked the-"

"Yes, I have," he drawled out painfully, glaring up at the second floor before his masked face settled on mine. "The phone line's cut, the money's in the bag. Chill the fuck out."

I raised a brow beneath my mask before nudging my chin over at the bank doors. "Those officers there are undoing their binds."

My brother, Roman—the naive man, was quick to snap his head in that direction before barking out swears at the poor men. "Ублюдки!" [translation: bastards!]

I watched in amusement as the officers squirmed in a panic, before Roman kicked one of the poor things right in the gut, causing the man to fall to the side. "Do you want to die? How stupid are you?"

"I hear you I hear you!" The poor man whimpered, submissively allowing his meaty hands to fly up to his rounded face, shielding himself from the tip of the commando rifle. He trembled, "I'll stay still."

"You fat sack of shit, you'll roll out of this place before I catch you," Roman snarled, drawing out a chuckle from me. "Lay your ass against the pillar."

Letting out a low whimper that was somehow loud enough to bounce off the walls of the hushed bank, the officer laid against the pillar as my brother took his tedious time pulling the ropes, tying him and the other officer tightly to it only after pulling their radios and tasers out.


I've seen this more than enough times already to know how the bizarre man works. Hot tempered, violent and stupid as fuck, Roman still somehow managed to make it this far with us. Malik was more of the brains of the whole operation, the quiet one that somehow knew the ins and out of every building. We'd never get anywhere without him.

Speak of the devil...

I glanced over at the corridor that led to one of the vaults holding potential thousands—millions if our efficiency managed to be in our favour today.

With my commando in hand, I stepped over the shivering bodies that laid flat on the floor, still enough that I'd mistaken them for a pile in a graveyard. Whimpers and whispers flooded my ears as I walked over the labyrinth with ease, taking in the silent conversations each person was having with the other beside them.

"That girl with the poker mask. Is that one of the bandits?" An older woman whispered. "The ones on the newspaper?"

"Quiet, mom," another whispered. "She can hear us."

I interjected and glanced down at the duo on the floor, the pale skin under those jewels managing to get even paler as blood was drawn from the top. Letting out a sharp breath, I crouched down, glaring at the two through my mask. The sparkles from the pink pearl necklace one wore caught my attention and with a slight turn of my head toward her, she looked straight at the ground.

Bunny |18+|Where stories live. Discover now