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His touch was the first thing that woke me up.

The gentle brush of his hand against my stomach before feeling him drag my body closer to him was a silent alarm I wanted to experience every morning. It was cold, freezing, and the indoor insulation wasn't enough to completely rob every chill that crawled up my spine. A deep grumble left his lips once my back met his chest, feeling him shift lightly before I turned my head over my shoulder.

Gorgeous lashes were tucked beneath his lids, and the silent yet graceful rise and fall of his sculptured chest was enough to get me wet for the day. He was so beautiful sleeping, so peaceful.

It was already 10am, and while I already caught up on my sleep, Domenico deserved a long break considering the amount of sleepless nights he claimed he endured through. I sat up with a tight stretch before I leaned down, brushing his hair away from his face to plant a kiss to his forehead.

"Mattina [morning]," he sounded quietly with his eyes still closed, his voice hoarse and deep. I scooted closer, letting out a groan once I laid down on my side against his own.

"Good morning, Dom," I whispered, "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," he stated the obvious, leaning his head to the side before his eyes fluttered open with care. Swirling stormy eyes with a pitch of ash. Beautiful. My lips curved watching his hand move up to his exhausted face, giving it a rub in an effort to get himself to wake up quicker.

He swallowed a quick breath, his eyes flicking up to mine before I realised they slowly trickled down to my breasts, following my curvature and making their way down to my stomach and thighs. "You're so beautiful," he whispered.

"You say that as you're at eye level with my pussy," I rolled my eyes.

He shook his head, seemingly not taking the light joke I made before his hand moved up, rubbing up and down my side with gentle care and precision. "No, you're beautiful," he repeated, looking up at me with hooded eyes. "So fucking gorgeous, Kiara."

Each brush of his digits sent the skin beneath flushed with crimson. My lids laid low, watching his hand climb up my hip dips before falling to my thighs and stomach, tracing a few faded stretch marks. "These are so pretty," he muttered, blinking slow, "and so are these," his hand moved up to the freckles on my chest and shoulders.

"Bellissima." [beautiful]

Such gentle words came out of a wicked man. I got complimented all the time, it wasn't exactly new to me, yet his words hit me hard and it took a while of me blankly staring at him to come up with something to respond to that.

"You're tired," I whispered, running my fingers through his hair. "I'm going to get up now. Do you want anything? Coffee or tea?"

"Whatever you're having," he whispered and turned lightly, looking over at the clock that sat on his nightstand. I got up slowly, letting out a yawn before I crawled over to the edge,

He watched me out of the corner of my eyes and I knew he was thinking of something. "What?"

"Nothing," he moved his hands to rest them beneath his head. Sly fuck. I narrowed my eyes before I turned slowly to get off the bed, not expecting a skin-piercing slap to my ass.

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