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One step forward, two steps back.
That's how it was when I thought I finally had her in the palms of my fucking hands.

I went over to her apartment, hoping I could at least make up for my shitty, selfish move of leaving her alone after our date last night. I would never have gone if I knew she'd end up sitting in the passenger seat of my car, panicking as I sped down the road towards the warehouse.

"Are you sure you can't get to him?" Kiara grunted out, clenching her fists on her thighs as she looked up at me with a deep frown. "Try again."

"Bellissima, I've tried 6 times already. I can't reach him even if I wanted to," I scowled. Fuck.

When Camillo told me about the two bastards who got into Finn's store, I never expected them to be Kiara's brothers of all people. It never crossed me that her brothers could've been adopted, and already knowing their history I should've damn well shot myself in the fucking leg for not thinking straight.

Kiara crossed her arms and sunk low in her seat, frowning as her fingers tapped her biceps. She was starting to get fidgety, I could tell despite me trying to explain to her that although they got caught, I specifically gave Camillo instructions to not go too far. It was a pawn shop robbery after all, it's something we could salvage easily.

My hand moved to caress her thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze but quickly retracted back once she let out a hiss. "If my fucking brothers are beaten to a pulp, Dom..."

"If your brothers are beaten to a pulp, then I'd have my own fucking sibling go under the same treatment," I clenched my jaw and turned to her. Why the fuck was I mad? I shouldn't be mad.

My anger quickly subsided once I got myself under control, turning to the road that led us to the warehouse. Once I got the car into park, Kiara was quick to kick open the door and make her way to the rolling doors. "Bunny," I shouted at her.

Anger, that's what I saw in Kiara's body language. Not that cute-pissed off anger I saw when she shoved me on her period. It was pure fury. Rage. I wouldn't lie if I said I bit back a shit eating grin, watching her bang on the doors with determination. "Kiara-"

"Open the damn door, Domenico," she licked her teeth and glared up at me. Her tone—if anyone used that shit on me they would've had my fist to their jaw in a second, their body on the ground in five. Yet for some reason, all I felt like doing was answering her beck and call.

I narrowed my eyes and glared down at her before a whistle rang out. The giant roller doors lifted, creaking higher once my men opened it to us. I saw the looks in their eyes—the split second decision of seeing Kiara beside me before reaching down for their guns.

"Arresto [stop]." I snapped, earning the confused gazes of my men. Kiara flinched, very lightly but from the tightening of her jaw it was clear she was still holding a mask to disguise that feeling of intimidation. "She's with me," I ducked beneath the door with a grunt. "Any of you bastards dare touch her, I'll get Camillo to flay your fucking heads."

They nodded, standing to the side and watched me walk towards the stairs leading up to the second floor. Kiara followed behind, ducking down before straightening up once her echoing footsteps paired with my heavy ones. She looked around, an undoubtedly painful sense of curiosity lingering from her as she scanned the warehouse.

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