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Night fell quicker than it should've.

The air was tight, cold and shivering—making it all the more harder to get into the mindset for my job.

I glanced up at the mirror as I stood before the closet in my bedroom, pulling up a skin tight black long sleeved shirt, the zipper running up the route to meet my neck. My eye twitched, and my lip sucked into my mouth once the paralysing thought of what I'm about to do infiltrated my head.

I've done jobs like this before, this shouldn't be a problem. The only thing that was different was the person who gave it to me.

"Any fuck ups and I'll deal with you personally," he said.

I didn't want to take a gamble. Domenico had the capability to kill, he was a mobster.

A really, really hot one—unfortunately.

Patting my sides down and pulling away the creases, I stepped back and looked at the body facing me in the mirror. Cargo pants fitted snug and tight on my legs, and so did the shirt on my body. No creases or looseness meant sound is reduced, and hopefully by a fuck ton considering the fact that I'm potentially raiding another gangster's home.

"Sexy," I nodded with a pouted lip of pride.

Once I was done, I grabbed my mask and satchel before I walked over to the couch when I heard a knock at the door. I folded, and in the midst of tying my curls up into a messy bun I got up to open the door.

Domenico stood in the doorway, wearing a simple black hoodie and pants, his head slowly dipping down as his eyes soaked in my figure.

Scorching—his gaze was hot as fuck.

"You're so fucking beautiful, baby," he breathed, stepping in and closing the door behind him before a roughened hand moved to my hip, up to the side of my flat stomach. "You ready?"

"Excited," I forced a smile, shaking my head a bit as my curls bounced to test my bun, "but nervous."

Nervous was a major understatement. I knew the risks and benefits for this job, but after weighing them on a scale, the overload of factors was the first to touch the floor. If I were to get caught, of course I'd go to jail—that was one thing.

But if I were to get caught by Alejandro...

I couldn't imagine the pain, nor the consequences.

Of course, despite Domenico reassuring me that the point of this whole job was to get proof of something that potentially wasn't real, I still couldn't pull the dead eyes of misfortune away from me. It was annoyingly draining, and the closer the arm of the clock ticked to the dead of night, the more my heart thumped.

I swallowed, my chin floating down just as his hand slowly moved. His own head dipped into my peripheral view, and aligning his sights with the black boots near my door he made a move to pick 'em up, "Go sit down," he offered.

I breathed, blinking myself to the present and followed his command, watching him stride over with my boots. He was such a tall man.

Grey eyes moved between my feet and the boots he held and with a small consenting nod, he sank to his knees before me, cupping my right foot up with a gentle hold before he loosened the laces and slipped it into a boot.

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