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6am, and I still couldn't manage to sleep.

I tossed, I turned, but no matter what kind of position I laid in, it'd never soothe the discomforting feeling of being watched. Hunted—at any fucking moment.

No way he's just a simple business man. No way.

My heart throbbed painfully and for a second I almost believed I had a heart attack. Pulling my blanket up to my naked chest, I sat up in bed, paranoia playing in my fucking eyes as I try to keep myself sane.

He's not here. You won't see him again, Kiara. Ever.

Getting caught was never a worry, knowing the worst that'll happen is getting my apartment raided before getting thrown into a cell. This was different, and knowing this man had the strength to kill didn't make it any better.

There was no doubt. People die over something as little as cocaine, in both a possessive and addictive sense.

My hand fled to my hair, gently brushing out the loose curls of my scalp, twirling around a strand before playing with it gently as I stared at the closet before me in my room, the mirror showing a reflection of my own self. I don't want to die.

Not yet.

"Stop it, Kiara." I muttered to myself and hesitantly got up, slipping on a hoodie and panties paired with shorts before I walked out of the bedroom. I stumbled loosely, my eyes sitting on dark bags as I made my way to the kitchen before I heard a knock on the door.

"Kiara." Roman spoke against the door. "You awake?"

My door was already unlocked, since I don't bother ever finding the key and I watched my two brothers poke their heads out of the crack, looking to their left to see me with the worst back posture paired with the ugliest sleepy face. I was in the midst of simply watching the water in my kettle boil. "Yeah."

"Christ." Malik frowned. "What happened? Are you ok?"

Should I tell them? I love my brothers, I really do but the last thing I wanted them to worry about was the fact that a possible drug cartel is after me for stealing drugs. Maybe the guy liked a good chase, those happen only once in a while anyways. "Yeah." I lied.

"Nothing went wrong?" Roman asked before he walked in, leaning against the counter next to me with Malik standing next to him, arms crossed. "Everything was smooth sailing?"

"Yeah." I mumbled.

Malik frowned. "You returned the drugs?"

"Yeah..." I poured the boiling water into my cup before I gave it a stir. The two looked at each other before looking over at me. "Your necklace is in my room."

With a sigh, Malik gave me a quick hug before he walked over to my bedroom, hearing him throw shit around in search for it. "It's on the nighstand." I yelled.

"I knew that." He shouted out.

I knew Roman was staring, given the fact that I haven't moved for a good chunk of time. "What's wrong?" He asked and I immediately snapped my head back at him, frowning.

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