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"We're not looking for anyone, sorry doll," the bartender said, wiping a glass.

I frowned, wiggling the meek little paper in my hand over the counter in desperation. "Could you at least give my resumé a look? I know you might be full but I'm sure I could be a good employee of choice in the near future."

The lights within the nightclub pierced my vision for a slight second and with a hiss, I rubbed my eyes. It was 5 and despite the nightclub just about to open for the night, the bouncer was sweet enough to let me through to give out my resume. He'd known me for a few years...especially when I always came to this place to sneak my papers under their doorstep.

The bartender, somewhat big in his form with tattoos just inching up from under the collar of his shirt, looked at me with knitted brows, eventually urging me to pull my paper back to my side. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry," his voice was rough, though his eyes somehow managed to swirl with warmth. He pressed his breath against the glass before harshly wiping the stain off only to settle it back down in line with another row of glasses he cleaned. "Don't take this to heart, but we've been getting a lot of fights throughout the night. It's not exactly a job for a woman."

"But you guys got barmaids and waitresses, I don't see the problem," I shrugged, slapping the counter to convey my frustration. "What's the issue here?"

"The issue here, sweetheart, is the fact that those women are qualified to be here," he smiled, arrogantly at me. "I've seen your resume, three times the past two years. You just don't have the skills to be here."

"So then teach me," I scoffed, "Educate me. I'm willing to work, and I'll do anything to do it."

The bartender looked down at his glasses before he straightened his back and shook his head slowly. "Goodbye, Kiara."

What an asshole. My shoulders slumped in defeat looking back at the door, but only before I glanced back at him. "Can I at least get a drink?" I asked.

He frowned.

My eyes rolled. "I'm having a shit night tonight anyways. It's the least you could do for rejecting me," I muttered, which was true since I finished my period and just went through a whole day of post period cramps. Roman knows this guy pretty well since he used to work here himself, so I hope I could at least use my baby sister privileges to get myself something.

He looked me up and down before letting out a sigh and ushered me towards a seat. "What would you like?"


The music was loud. So fucking loud and stumbling my way towards the door, I felt the ear piercing white noise shoot through one ear and out the other. My mind was a mess.

A fucking mess.

"Watch it," a woman hissed after I somehow managed to bump into her on my way out. I gave her a scowl, deepened by my furrowed brows before I opened the door to street lights blaring down on my vulnerable body. "Shit," I mumbled.

It must've been at least 12 in the morning, and I'm surprised I made it this fucking far into the night without having to pass out on the floor. I stepped slowly, rubbing my eyes before eventually bumping into a body.

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