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I thought we had the guy.
I fucking thought we had him.

I was prepared—for the possibility that Alejandro could've been the AJ I was set on finally getting a leverage on, or at least getting close enough to strangle that bastard with hands that were experienced in all things malicious. Despite Camillo reassuring me that this was 'something he pulled out of his ass', I was so convinced we finally got him.

Of course he was only a wealthy cocksucker that drank for days—another low-level gangster who was just getting a hand on the drug trade. He was nothing compared to Eva.

Shrugging my dress shirt on, my eyes latched onto the laptop screen before me on the bed, watching the little snippets of Alejandro with Eva within the video Kiara found.  While the man wasn't completely wound up in Eva's business, it's clear there was still something beneath the surface happening between them, given her cousin's bank statements.

Slipping the buttons through each slit, I looked down, watching the video play. A third member walks in, and it was clear by Eva's sudden interest that this was AJ. Gang tattoos, an anonymous face and affiliated with the government...

This was him.

And it didn't take long for me to understand the storyline that was slowly progressing into something bigger, and was close to reaching its climax.

Alejandro's video was merely a telltale of forbidden love to the extreme. Kiara's one spoke of crude trades and horrid deals—the next step Alejandro is taking to his own business.

"Yes, I've heard. There's this chick he has that's absolutely gorgeous. Brunette, slim, curvy. She's fucking beautiful," was what I translated.

"But the greedy bastard won't let me have a lick."

My eye twitched.

Sex trafficking. Surely.

I closed the laptop, letting out an unwanted scowl as I made my way to the mirror, fixing my cuffs and clipping my dogtag necklace back on. At least now I've got a better idea on the type of business those three are mustering up. Of course, it's not making my life any easier, but I am further along the path than I originally was weeks ago.

With one last look, I closed the laptop on my bed and placed it in my nightstand before I walked downstairs. Spring had finally rounded the corner, and not a hint of winter was left behind in its fleeting depart. The weather had also changed—almost too dramatically that I found myself indecisive on what to wear most days.

A dress shirt? Maybe.

A hoodie or coat? Too hot.

Kiara's legs wrapped around my waist like a Luca Faloni belt?

"Mm," I hummed, licking my lips.

Kiara had been huddled up in her apartment for the past few days, and there was obvious evidence as to why she was doing this. The job made her paranoid, and it was clear no matter how many times she tried to pull on a brave face and give me excuses with a fear-laced tone.

Stubborn, stubborn woman. I loved it.

My hand fished my pocket, looking for my keys as I made my way down the hall towards the front door, when I swore I heard a rumble. My head rose, and my eyes squinted through the glass of the door to make out a car.

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