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An hour.

I didn't know why I was nervous. I shouldn't be nervous. Domenico's just a man who simply asked me on a date a few hours ago after knowing me for a good two weeks.

Why did I feel so uncomfortable in my own skin?

I crumbled, glaring at the body staring back at me through the steam frosted mirror. With a wipe to the cold surface, I undid the diamond earrings on my ear lobe and instead fished into a bag full of jewels (that aren't mine obviously) and pulled out a set of golden hoop earrings. With a smile of satisfaction running across my face I stabbed the pin of the earring into my lobe before securing it with a click.

Love was dead—at least that's what I thought. I'm not exactly the most innocent person and Derek, well..

Derek was the last straw for me.

Was I doing this out of pity? Maybe, knowing Domenico was trying so hard to win me over. Albeit, I'd lie if I said I never fell for his attempts. It doesn't take a blind person to tell you how fucking hot of a man he really is. It's painful, it's torturous—fucking overwhelming when all that's flooding through your nose is a big heap of... Domenico.

Smoke, sin and winter. That's all he was.

Being on a time crunch didn't really help me in the slightest bit with the situation. I hated being rushed, and I hated how sloppy my looks always felt afterwards. My body felt burnt being exfoliated, shaved and scrubbed down to the bone. My curls were soon defined, following a quick flick of mascara along my eyelashes.

"Look at you. You look ridiculous, Kiara," I scoffed, talking to no one else in the bathroom other than my own reflection. "But..."

My hand moved down to pinch the top of the slits that laid shamelessly against my thighs and with a breath, I shook the fabric, watching waves of gold shimmer under the light. "Damn, you could get used to this," I breathed.

I just hope this isn't fucking overkill.

After doing some finishing touches I strode over towards the lounge, where I plopped over onto the couch and waited for him to come over.

7 o clock came and 10 minutes passed before I heard the deafening knock of knuckles on wood.

Knock knock knock.

My smile widened tenfold, hearing the echoing pounds of his fist against the door. His, not only because I had a gut feeling he was on the other side of the door, but because I heard that same word I've been dying to hear all day.

"Bunny," he spoke out, knocking louder.

His voice seeped through with ease, buttery and soft just as if the names he'd call me were rolled off his tongue with pure delicacy. Though that soon washed away once I heard him knock louder.

"Do you want me to shoot the fucking lock open?" He asked sternly with a tone that was laced with obvious sarcasm. His fist met the door once more. "Kiara, open the bloody-"

Rolling my eyes, I twisted the key. Before he could even finish his sentence I stepped back, looking up at the gorgeous hunk of a man who flooded my nose with dark spices and snow. At what I presumed to be 6'2, Domenico had a solid 10 inches on me. Tall—he was a tall fucking man, even better knowing he was a solid hulk of muscle.

Bunny |18+|Where stories live. Discover now