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That had to be the worst fucking sleep ever.

8am. The sun rays, much to their own expectations, crept in between the blinds, warming up my body huddled beneath the blankets. My mouth was dry, my tongue drier and my throat a fucking desert. Waking up took too much of an effort, and opening my eyes I lazily stared up at the ceiling above.

"What do I have on today?" I mumbled to myself, trying to hydrate my throat with a dry swallow. "Jack shit."

Of course I do.

It took a while, but eventually I managed to pull myself out of bed, falling onto unsteady feet. Everything was still hazy—as expected after drowning my stomach in alcohol that have thankfully, very much passed throughout my system, leaving me a throbbingly painful and dry husk of a body. After walking over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and rinse my face, I made my way out of the bedroom before I stopped suddenly.


I forgot the man stayed last night, better yet I'm surprised he's still here. He was already up, his back to me as he was preparing something in my kitchen. The couch was still messy, evident that he probably had a rough night on it and his wavy hair looked like it had been through a hurricane. When he turned I had to force myself to hold back a smile from showing. Domenico definitely had a rough night, given by the unhappy frown on his face whilst he used a cooking spatula to scrape the scrambled eggs off the pan.

Though the second he looked up at me, his eyes lit up with both relief and excitement.

"Goodmorning bunny," he spoke with a lazy smile before pushing a hearty plate of scrambled eggs, toast and sausages towards me. "How did you sleep?"

"Horrible," I mumbled, though the smile that curved on my face would've made it looked like I was lying. Once I rounded the kitchen counter to inspect my plate, he planted a kiss to my cheek and looked down at me with the utmost care. One of his fingers moved, tucking a lock behind my ear.

"Go eat I'll get you water," he whispered and I nodded, not willing to be asked twice. I grabbed my plate and walked over to my dining table to sit down. The food he made me looked delicious and I hate to say it but this is probably the first time I ever had a decent ass breakfast. Taking a big spoonful, I hummed peacefully. Domenico then placed a tall glass of water next to my plate and looked up at him, giving him a thankful grin while I chewed.

Though that quickly turned to a frown once I realised that he didn't have his own plate.

"You're not eating with me?" I asked with disappointment, watching him walk over to the couch to clean up. Taking a generous gulp of water, I stood up and walked over.

"I have to go," he sighed out, pressing the blanket to his chest to fold it. "My fucking brother has been calling me nonstop. Emergency."

"You have a brother?" I don't know why that surprised me, he seemed like the only child type given the way he presents himself. I shook my thoughts out, before pulling a cushion to fluff it out. "What kind of emergency?"

His brows knitted once he gave me a wincing frown, throwing the folded blanket over the back of the couch. "Not the type you're thinking."


"You can't ask him to take care of it himself?" I probed. Domenico fisted a yawn, gently rubbing his eyes before he took the cushions I puffed out and laid them against the couch.

Bunny |18+|Where stories live. Discover now