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I think I may need to kick her out of my house.

The past few days consisted of nothing but relaxation—something I shouldn't be doing because I knew just how fucked Ndrangheta was right now. I'm not just lovingly placing La Guerra 'ndrina in the eyes of Eva, but the whole fucking organisation.

I promised myself—for seven days straight that I'd get something done, but not once have I ever stayed loyal to my plans because Kiara simply wouldn't let me. Fuck every sense of discipline I managed to muster up over 28 years of my life because this little vixen managed to take that away in less than a week.

It was a love-hate type of situation.

The only thing that I managed to get out of that was my own self recovery. Unlike days ago, my body felt much more energised, lighter and flexible now that she managed to give me enough time to work on myself. She got used to my routine quick—stiff at first but got looser towards the end of the week.

It was worth it, because I finally got the motivation to do shit today. Sitting down in my office chair I sunk low into the cushions, swivelling my chair back and forth to the tip of my foot as I held my dogtag to my lips, looking down at the ground floor from above.

I gave Kiara permission to use the gym as she pleases, and I could tell she got excited when I mentioned it. I watched with curiosity through the open door of the room as she dragged a few weights to a mat she placed on the ground, seemingly giddy about the whole thing.

She wore one of my old shirts paired with my sweatpants and my eyes snapped straight to her body just as she began her stretches.

Thighs, ass, and tits lined my eyesights. I smiled, satisfied.

It was cute, but damn... I've got to remind myself to tell her how shit her form is.

Getting back to my laptop I had my emails and files open, searching through every name, every fucking person of interest that catches my eyes. Daniel's words were clear as daylight in my mind, and that name that he mentioned only sparked dreading curiosity I knew would guide me to a deeper pit.

That fucking name.

"AJ was always a fucking threat and of course that woman just had to get dragged in by a goddamn leash like a pet!"

Who the fuck is AJ?

AJ.. AJ... A name that sounds so fucking unfamiliar I frowned at just the thought of it. It couldn't be possibly be a man part of my organisation, right? It was far fetched, and that dangerous conclusion could lead to more shit being burned than what I originally planned to be.

I grazed my stubble with the pad of my thumb, staring blankly at the list of names before me.

"Her little boy toy. Her little angel, or whatever fucking nickname she made up for him."

That woman's more complex than I thought.

A loud banging was heard from downstairs, startling me out of my thoughts and by the looks of it, caught the attention of Kiara from the gym. I stood up with a grunt, feeling my muscles tense just as the flutter of footprints scattered in through the house and up to the front door, where I finally got my sights back on her once I walked out of my office.

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