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"Carter, for god's sake," I huffed out, glaring down at him, "we agreed on 150."

"150? What is this, 1965?" He laughed in my face, his little hand pushed out, palm facing the ceiling before he made grabby hands with his fingers. The boy scowled at me, though failed to intimidate me as seen by my struggle to hold back a giggle. "My rent rose, it's 200 now."

"200 is a big push, little man," I furrowed my brows, "I'll be on the streets!"

"I don't want to hear it," he scowled stubbornly with a smug-ass smile. This little asshole. It was nearing 9 anyways, Nora was bound to come walking through my door in anywhere between 45 to 50 minutes. Rolling my eyes, I reached over from my pile, pulling out a crisp 200 dollar Monopoly bill before slamming it down on Pentonville Rd. Carter gave me a toothy grin, picking it up and kissing the note. "Thank you kind lady."

"You're such an idiot," I scowled, narrowing my eyes before looking down at the empty pile of Monopoly notes I had. "I guess you won."

"Well that was shit, we only lasted 20 minutes," he mumbled, letting out a quick gasp before he covered his mouth. I rolled my eyes once more, shaking my head in disbelief with a chuckle before packing up the board game.

"I'll allow it this time," I warned, pointing a finger, "but you better watch it the next."

He snorted, "I promise."

It was a Friday night so of course knowing it was nearing the  long weekend, Nora took it upon herself to stay busy trying to earn as much money as possible—which only meant I had to be the one to take in her ridiculously annoying attention-seeking son. Roman was actually the one who was supposed to be looking out for him all week but the coward got sick with a fever.

So... that only left me playing board games for a good 4 hours on end with Carter, who unfortunately was a stubborn opponent to play against. I sighed, eying the clock every now and then hoping his angelic mother would come in and swoop her little demon spawn out of my arms. "What are we playing now?" He asked.

"We're chilling," I shrugged, pushing the lid on top of the box, "there's some pizza left in the fridge, otherwise just turn on the TV and play something."

"Are you serious?" he narrowed his eyes, his gaze following me as I made my way behind the couch towards my bedroom, "There's still like... an hour left."

"An hour of watching The Power Puff Girls," I eyed the clock, noticing it was indeed scheduled for the network's late-night shows.

Amusement and excitement crossed Carter's eyes once he looked back at the TV before he got up to look for the remote with furious determination. "What channel?" He asked.

"25," my hand reached for the doorknob, "I'll be a few minutes, don't open the door to anyone."

Once I finally closed the door to my own private living space, I breathed out sharply and threw the board game onto my shelf before slumping down on my bed to catch a breath. Of all things, I should be feeling calm—relaxed after that night with Domenico.

Of all things, I should be feeling free.

Tell me why the fuck I felt locked to a chain I had no way in escaping from.

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