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Greedy, selfish assholes.
That's what they were.

Government. You can't trust em, not with the amount of bullshit they shove down your throat using the media. Every word, every action and every movement—tracked by the cunts. The word privacy has lost all meaning now, especially with the growing amount of data breaches those idiots create.

Eyes. They have eyes everywhere.

"Bastard." I muttered, sipping on a foreign glass of rum in an unfamiliar home. It was quiet, empty other than the light patter of rain outside that fell from the gloomy heaven above. Family portraits of unrecognisable faces decorated the hall down from where I sat, embracing any visitor with a sense of welcome and compassion.

I was merely the elephant in the room.

I watched as my men looked around the family home, pulling up every floorboard and tearing down every piece of plywood they could—digging into the walls like moles. Fitting...

Knowing the man I trusted was a fucking rat.

Screams echoed throughout the house from upstairs, disrupting my sip with a grimace. The liquid slipped down my throat, soothing the burning taste of the sip only to replace it with yet another bitter and unpleasant one. "Camillo."

"What?" My brother responded, sitting opposite of me as he spun his hand gun in his hand, failing before hearing the thunk as the weapon clashed onto the coffee table.

Legs apart, back slacked against the couch—I should fucking slap him for being such a disrespectful bastard but I know Papa would probably do that to me before I ever laid a hand on his son. Camillo was my second in command, and as much of a dumb prick he could be, he made one hell of an underboss. I loved him, and I was proud of him.

I clenched my jaw to let out a hiss. "Close those legs. I don't need to see all that."

He smiled cheekily, placing his hands behind his head as he sighed out. "Why you hiding yours? Too shy?"

"Oh fuck off." I frowned, though the slight grin on my lips failed to remain hidden. "Pour me more."

I nudged my glass over, watching the black spiced rum pour down into my cup as the dark amber liquid filled it up quickly. "You're disgusting I fucking swear." Camillo groaned. "You're just like Papa—into the wrong shit."

"Is that much of a problem?" I let a grin grace my lips, before looking down at his glass. "Enjoy your lemon water." I said softly, watching the smile on his face quickly turn into a frown as he opted to sipping on plain ass lemon water. Lemon water because that's the best yet most basic shit this rat can offer for a mafia prince in his humble family home.

The screams soon got louder, the hoarse tone dragging on too long before it turned to a mere wheeze, only to hear a thwack sound as his knees got bludgeoned by hammers. "FUCK!" He screamed form upstairs.

My glass slammed against the table upon straightening my back from the couch, glaring up towards the staircase. "Chiudilo zitto, cazzo!" I yelled out. [translation: shut him the fuck up!]

"You think I can take over this time?" Camillo grinned, cocking the gun he held in his hand before letting it dance in his palm. "That piece of shit has been a thorn in my side ever since his fake ass joined Ndrangheta."

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