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Drugs. A lot of it. The white powder was safely tucked in rectangular wrapped pieces of plastic, snuggled in yet another layer of duct tape under other brick piles. The hatch was small—a good 4x4 foot with a depth of around a meter and the thing was packed.

"Malik." Roman spoke, his voice brought down to a mere whisper as he glared at the bricks of cocaine. "Come here."

"I'm busy."
"Get your fucking ass over." In mere seconds, he somehow managed to grab hold of Malik's collar and shoved him over to where I was standing, noticing he too quickly put all his attention on the buried treasure in the floorboards.

"Jesus." He breathed. "Is that-"


"Kilo upon kilos of pure cocaine." Roman chuckled out, leaning down to grab one before I slapped his hand, giving him a stern look. If there was one thing I learned about Dani being a mother, it was that she didn't take it to light if any of her kids fell down the wrong rabbit hole.

"We can't." I whispered. "You know how Dani's like. She'll beat your stubborn ass up." I looked down at my net bag that hung from my hip. "I've already got at least 10 grand worth of jewels on my hip, it should be-"

"We'd still never have enough by the end of the night. The shit I've managed to find are either too heavy or bulky to take to the car." Roman groaned out, leaving Malik to slip into thought.


"We've got five minutes left." I muttered. "I reckon we should at least try to get that safe open. That's probably our best chance."

"What about the drugs?" Roman asked and glanced down at the plastic wrapped bricks. "What do we do with these?"

"Flush em down the toilet." Malik grunted and walked over to the steel door, continuing on with his break in. "Bury it or some shit. Or just leave it. It's not our business anyways."

"Malik there is literal gold in front of us and you're planning to just ignore it? For a safe?" I watched with anticipation as he went back to playing with the wires under the key pad and with a quick swivel of his head to mine, Roman glared hard. "And you're fine with it?"

"You know we don't fuck with this shit, Roman." And to be fair, a part of me was with Roman on this. Bricks—bricks of gold that could pay off the apartment building for years to come. Probably the best and most efficient solution to this whole mess but at the same time, Dani's purity is what's stopping me from taking this heap of jewels to myself.

He scoffed. "20 million in that hole, and you're wishing to just ignore it?"

"Do you wanna test Dani?" I raised my brow, watching his slithering confidence drop to a zero. Without letting out any words, he let out a grunt and paced around the office, looking around to see if there's anything ripe for the taking. Not wanting to deal with his stubborn ass anymore, I walked up to Malik and looked down at the watch on my wrist.


"We've got a minute, Mal." I whispered, watching his work. I could tell he was starting to get pressured, not just by me but with Roman's idea. "How long-"

"I don't fucking know." He grumbled, clearly pissed off. "These fucking wires are weird. I'm not familiar with this type of model."

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