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"Kiara," Nora asked. "Are you ok?"

My mind snapped awake and looking up at the concerned mother, I gave her a gentle nod, feeling my eyes hooded with sleep. The past week was brutal, and having anything more than 4 hours of sleep was deemed almost impossible. Not only have I grown annoyed by the sudden rise of paranoia I felt but I grew increasingly frustrated, especially since my period just graced my doorstep this morning.

Which sucks because I just got off birth control.

"Mhm," I hummed, blinking slowly. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure you don't want to sit down?" Nora asked, caressing her son's brunette hair gently before planting a kiss on his forehead. "I can carry Carter-"

"No no it's ok Nora. Really," I mumbled lazily. The train this evening was surprisingly busy and since there weren't any room to sit down, I stood holding onto Nora's seat—Carter's mama. She just got off her shift and after meeting halfway in time-square with her son when he decided to once again join me for another outing, we decided to just book it home on the subway.

"Any luck today?" She asked, nudging her chin at the printed copies of my resumé in my arms. With a yawn, I shook my head slowly and pulled my hood over my head, hugging the papers to my chest.

"No," I mumbled. "Not even the fucking street food vendors want me."

Nora was only the same age as me—23, and despite all that she managed to live a happy life with just her and Carter. I watched her hum, tapping her finger against her lip before she rested her chin on top of his head.

"You know, I heard they're just opening a new bar a few blocks down," Nora pointed out. "They're looking for bartenders and you usually don't need a resumé for that type of job."

"Thing is, with new places they tend to hire only the best," I muttered, "So I've got no chance. I'll take your word for it and apply to other ones though."

I watched the mother smile, giving me a sweet little grin before the train eventually stopped at our station. We waited for a few other passengers to get off before I took Carter from her and walked out of the subway, back onto the path down to the apartment. "Maybe I should just apply at your place."

"Nooo baby no..." Nora barked out an uneasy chuckle. "You don't want that girl. Trust me."

"As like a bar maid, you idiot," I rolled my eyes teasingly before I nudged her arm, "and I can just watch you perform from behind the desk."

"Are you willing to deal with hard men?" She raised a brow, looking over at her son who shamelessly snored, pressing his cheek against my shoulder. We both walked up the stairs and I made a quick note that it was going to rain today.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Yeah, I've been working out. Roman's been training me."

"In a customer-friendly way, Kiara," she let out a scoff and opened the door for me, following me from behind til I walked her to her own apartment.
"You don't just meet things head on with anger, babe."

"Unfortunately that's not how I work," I smiled and walked into their apartment, going over to their bed to gently lay Carter down before ruffling his little curly brunette hair. "You don't need anything else?"

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