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Two shitty nights in a row.

Last night probably left me feeling empty in the worst way possible—not like when I was drunk. I tried to get my mind off the thought of Domenico bubbling in my mind, the idea of what could've happened had he actually stayed.

A lazy movie night that could've ended with cuddles, maybe we could've just drunken our asses off for the rest of the night. Endless possibilities that could've led to me being alone in the dark with nothing but the smell of rich smoke in the air, and the grace of his breath against my skin.

The touch of sin on my flesh, and the firm hands that crawled up my naked hips—I craved that shit. I wanted more.

Thunderous moans escaping throats, rough touches, blind kisses in the dark...

I yearned for winter to come.

I fisted a yawn, pushing out my thoughts as I decided to complete one of my romance books on my bed once I gave myself a break from painting. Fantasy romances are my genre—it's already comedic enough that I fell for a heavily unrealistic one last night.


"Tell me, is somehow being affiliated with the capofila of La Guerra 'ndrina part of your daydream, principessa?"

My lip sucked back between my teeth as I stared up at the ceiling above, watching as the sunlight hit the window at the perfect angle to create flickers of intricate light. The fuck is wrong with me? I thought to myself, unable to stop the way my hand inched down towards my core. My book closed, laying down beside my hips.

Very uncommonly did I ever look for sexual release—Derek doesn't count because I eventually started faking my orgasms at one point. Eventually I caved, delving beneath my shorts and panties before my pad brushed against my clit, sparking an electrical current that buzzed me to life. I gasped silently.

Smoke, sin and winter.

My nub got caught between my fingertips, giving it a gentle squeeze that got me fisting a moan before I resorted to circling it with my ring and middle finger, teasingly applying heavier pressure once it trailed closer to my hole. I gritted my teeth, "Fuck..."

My thoughts were all out of whack. Completely out of it. I tried reminding myself that had we actually caved last night, I would be allowing his bloodied hands to trail down my spine, neck, thighs and ass. Had we actually fucked last night would mean climbing into bed with a monster that deserved to be tucked beneath it.

Oh but a monster that I fucking craved.

My fingers dipped into my tunnel, successfully powering a sudden jerk from my hips as I let out a twisted moan—chasing that sweet relief. My back arched once my thighs opened lightly and I drove my fingers deeper, covering my fingers in slick.

It's a fantasy—one that played out like an erotic film in my mind. Slammed into his desk again with a roughened hand collaring my throat, forcing colourful curses to bleed out from between my lips as the man had his way with me. The scene would pan to my dampened face as my drool slobbered onto the wooden desk, with nothing but the sounds of the thunderous slaps of his sculptured tanned v-line to my ass echoing throughout the room.

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