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Well fuck me to the moon and back...

As if instantly, I felt the weight of his gaze get heavier with every aching second, completely stuck on my eyes apart from the occasional flick to my breasts every few seconds. His body was so fucking hot—hard, firm and decorated with the most delicious tattoos that I'll have no problem pressing my lips against. My hand moved up bravely, travelling down the bumps of his tan skin, over his pectoral muscles and abdomen where I stopped just above his bulge.

"I don't do quiet."

His hand moved up, tracing the outline of my cheek before moving down to plant hot kisses down my throat. I gulped, feeling my lashes flutter once a weak moan left my lips. "What do you do?" I asked softly.

"Loud, rough, fast," he responded, planting a kiss between my tits before looking up at me. "Messy."

I love messy.

"I can do that," I whispered, pulling my knee up once I laid the tip of my foot against his growing hard bulge. "Why are you so shy?"

Domenico chuckled, grabbing hold of my ankle before kissing my sole gently. "I figured you'd maybe want more kisses, bunny," he muttered.

His eyelids hung low once he dropped his gaze back to mine, licking his bottom lip, "But if you're that hungry for my cock, then I'd give it to you too."

I licked my lips in anticipation, feeling myself squeeze a drop of arousal out til I resorted to gently rubbing myself once I get ahold of my emotions. I followed his hand sharply, watching it move from my body to the hem of his pants before he tugged on the belt, unclipping it.

"You have such a beautiful body, amor," he complimented, sliding the leather out from the hoops of his jeans before setting it aside on the space next to me. "So perfect and delectable. Fuck, you ruin me."

"I'm simply breathing, Dom," I grinned at his lustful nature, watching him unzip his pants before fumbling with his boxers. "I don't get what's the big-"

... Big.

My eyes widened and I had to physically sit myself up on my elbows just to process what I was looking at. My gaze scoured his tanned chest, abdomen before following his v-line to his cock, which bounced lightly on impact once he pulled his boxers down.


Massive. It was huge, long, and it scared me how fucking thick it was. I almost caught myself drooling, my eyes tracing the vivid veins that snaked up his length to the swollen head that salivated with a clear drop of precum. He pushed his bottoms off the bed before looking down at me with a stern look, one that got me swallowing my words very fucking quick.

"Finish that sentence," he spoke, almost demandingly. I blinked, finally taking my gaze off his rod before looking up  at him.

"I..." I muttered low, "I forgot what I was saying."

Domenico was wickedly handsome, no doubt. He was also insanely lucky with his genes, given by how pretty of a tone his tan skin was, and how absolutely perfect his vigorous figure seemed. He clearly had the muscle, and he most definitely had the brains to run a whole mafia organisation.

Bunny |18+|Where stories live. Discover now