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Roman and I were quick to flee, Malik getting dragged by him before I saw the two run in towards the spandrel beneath the stairs, closing the door shut, but peaking and waiting for me. My phone and the laptop were left behind—abandoned on the coffee table whilst the sounds of Alejandro's heavy creaks upstairs grew louder and deafening.

My heart thumped against my cage, and my fucking lungs lost all touch of air within seconds.

I panicked, my feet hesitating beneath before I made the split second decision to grab the devices and hurl myself behind the couch. Heavy footsteps thudded against each step—slow and painful before I heard a yawn stretch out from the unsuspecting hulk of a man. With an apologetic glance, Malik closed the door to the spandrel quietly, locking me out in the open with a possible gangster on the loose.

It was like I was pushed into a tiger's cage.


The silence—the fucking silence embraced me, and all of a sudden I heard nothing louder than the heavy whistle of my breath pushing through my nostrils. Every brush of wind covered me in goosebumps, and every second grew awfully slower than the one before.


Who the fuck am I to think I could've gotten away with this?Fuck! Why did I listen to him?


Stupid. Useless. Fucking useless.


Shut up, Kiara!


Light immediately flooded my sights, and with violent blinks I gasped quietly, snapping my head around before sounds of clinking were heard from the kitchen—the source of light. My breaths rushed out like a flood, silently gasping for air as I covered my mouth with a gloved palm, suffocating myself further.

Unfortunately, the couch was lined up with the view from the countertop, meaning if Alejandro took a few steps in...

I could be caught within seconds.

Once I saw just the outline of Alejandro I slipped back against the carpet, dragging myself to hide behind the arm of the couch, all the while giving glances towards the spandrel to which was tightly shut. I couldn't just tell them to open the door either—it was the dead of night and surely a knock would rip through the quiet.

A whistle to an unfamiliar song rose though the air and peeking over, I saw Alejandro hovering within the kitchen, his naked upper half out and his body slightly wiggling to the hums of the tune as he reached for a glass in the top cabinet. Using this as an advantage, I pulled the door open, looking over at the two men huddled in the spandrel.

There was barely enough room to fit another body in.

"Here," I mouthed to them, handing the laptop to Malik.

"Не будьте смешными [don't be ridiculous]," Roman mouthed back, gripping my wrist, "Get in. You can fit."

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