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The night brought a chill the second I rode down the road towards the bloody mansion I visited just hours before. With very light drops of rain pattering against my helmet, the motorcycle beneath me hummed with excitement, racing down before turning to a bumpy gravel road.

Of course, I didn't own the motorcycle. It was Roman's precious bike that he was overly possessive of—one that he actually bought with his own money and work, but I couldn't really bother to care less about asking him first. I'm his sister, of course I was gonna take his shit.

I turned off the headlights and placed my feet down onto the gravel, tiptoeing and pushing the bike towards the hill that towered near the mansion. My hand trailed down and patted the handgun, safely secured to the side of my thigh. By finally taking off my helmet, I let my curls puff out and looked down at the building before me.

Three cars were parked in the driveway, and the lights were on from the inside. Fuck.

I was genuinely considering just dropping the bag near the bushes and running off, but Malik's precious necklace was deemed too worthy to ignore. It was somewhere—in that house and hopefully I'd find it before Guerra does. That's if he realised that his mansion was broken into, which I'm gonna be realistic and assume he did.

The rain gently peppered the grassy hill and by quickly turning off the motorcycle, I pulled my bunny mask ontop of my head. A black knit ski mask, one that was crocheted to perfection, was slipped on and expertly kept my curls tucked from beneath.

"Definitely would have to wear this from now on." I muttered under the mask, before grabbing the duffel bag and quickly making my way to the mansion.

It wasn't that complex to get in as I remembered a window with no lock was meticulously placed in the master-bedroom and so with that the only option in mind, I gripped onto the roof drain pipe and climbed up, placing each foot onto an attachment that secured the pipe to the wall. Using that as a makeshift ladder, I gently pulled the window up and slipped in, feeling my boots pat the carpet below.

The rain was quick to pick up, sending bullets down onto the roof of the silent house that erupted into mere pounding. It was quiet, though the light from beneath the door crack served as an intimidating reminder that tonight I wasn't alone.

I wasn't alone.

"Quindici maledetti mattoni!" [translation: fifteen fucking bricks!] A foreign deep voice barked out from behind the door, followed by a fleet of footsteps that grew louder—only to fall quiet as they protruded down the flight of stairs. "Mi stai prendendo cazzo per il culo?!" [translation: are you fucking kidding me?!]

The light flickered beneath the door as thunder cracked through the air, rumbling the Earth with its heavy whip. Thank god it actually managed to storm tonight, otherwise my footsteps would've definitely been noticed by now. Clutching the duffel bag against my side, I made my way to the door and peaked through the crack.

Voices flooded in, and the sudden intrusion of light seeped into my cornea, temporarily blinding me. With a frown, I blinked slowly, looking up at the chandelier that buzzed with electricity—spiralling down onto the lounge before I made out that voice.

That voice.

"Cazzo..." The man's tone slithered out into a hiss, hearing a series of other voices from somewhere in the house—presumably the kitchen or dining area.

Bunny |18+|Where stories live. Discover now