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I had to do everything in my power to stop myself from touching her.

Kiara was right there. Right there. With her dark curls lightly brushing up against my forearm, I had to physically clench my jaw and restrict myself from saying something. My mind was filthy—filthy, and I wanted nothing more but to feel her soft lips against mine.

Fuck. God already made my life already hard as it is. My eyes trailed down shamelessly, tracing the outline of her curvature. Slim, thick and just fucking beautiful. I've had my fair share of thighs and hips, but looking at Kiara's I'd have no problem suffocating myself under her warm flesh.

She had one of the most beautiful side profiles—soft, clean with that pretty chocolate skin that I wanted to plant kisses all over. The freckles didn't help, especially when I noticed that they peppered her little chest as well.


Kiara looked up at me with innocence all over her face, lightly tilting her head in confusion. My eyes darted away but then went back to settle on hers since I realised how suspicious that made me look. "What do you mean?" She asked.

I knew she was on her period, and also in a pretty tight situation given the circumstances of us meeting. Kiara was a strong woman, and I adore her for that. I shrugged my shoulders before smiling softly. "Do you need anything?" I asked, "Cocaine bricks?"

The grin on her face widened and she let out a sweet laugh, one that I swear I'd never get fucking tired of. She thought for a second, and the look in her eyes told me that she was about to take full advantage of my offer. "I could do with tea," she cooed.

"I'll get that for you," I chuckled softly before I got up to walk to her kitchen, "Just stay there. Don't run away."

The giggle that left her lips was like music to my fucking ears. I already know how she likes her tea—lemon, honey and jasmine tea leaves with three teaspoons of sugar. Too sweet for my liking but who the fuck am I to judge. I knew she was staring at me from behind and after that whole thing that happened last week, I don't blame her if she's just smiling to hide her discomfort.

It's probably better if I got out of her way as quick as possible but at the same time, I had to at least try again after pulling a gun to her head.

Once the kettle let out a steamy whistle, I heard her light footprints protrude into her room. Not thinking much of it, I placed all the ingredients into the mug, pouring it with hot water before I saw her make her way back to the kitchen, holding a black box. Kiara looked up at me, her lips pulled back between her teeth before she opened it.

"What's this?" I asked, looking down at the jewellery within it. It sparked—glistened and once she nitpicked a few out of the box, I realised what she had in her possession.

"These are yours," she muttered softly with a tone of guilt. She placed a line of jewellery on the counter; a watch, necklaces and rings. These were all mindless gifts that I paid for, though took them back ever since a fallout and didn't know what to do with them.

I shook my head slowly before pushing the gold and diamonds back to her, watching her face distort into a confused excitement. "I have no use for them."

"Are you stupid?" She asked, her direct question drawing a chuckle out of me. "These are diamond covered jewels."

"Take them," I looked down at her, noticing her frown that I'm sure was hiding the relief, as seen in her eyes. Kiara gave me a sweet grin, her eyes latching onto mine for a few seconds before she suddenly found herself staring for a bit too long. She was the first to break contact, and it honestly left me feeling adored.

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