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"Stay still," I hushed, holding Nora's jaw with an iron grip.

The woman winced, slapping my wrist, "What do you want me to do? Stop the fucking train?"

With this I managed to shoot her a warning glare, Nora instantly shutting up before letting me apply her eyeliner once more. It was late—9pm to be exact but knowing I had nothing better to do I decided to accompany Nora on the way to work today.

Silent, yet echoing hums of the train zipped through the broken air, embracing us in a cold, chilly hug. The crevices of her eyes were tainted with black and with just a few careful wipes, I pulled back to see my work. "There. Pretty."

Nora whipped out her phone, looking through the reflection. "Not bad," she grinned, clearly impressed with the outcome, "Thanks babe, I always can't manage to get the wing right."

"It's nothing," I shrugged, leaning back in my chair as the train approached the opening, the scenery of buildings flashing past the windows like a reel. It's been a month or so since I last visited Domenico's place, but unsurprisingly he'd managed to come over every few days, either to drop food off or stay the night. I'm pretty sure that up to this point in time he finally managed to figure out how I work.

Feed me food to keep me happy. I scoffed out, relishing in how easy of a puzzle I was to him.

"How long are you thinking?" I asked, looking back at Nora who was trying to tuck her frozen hands into the toasty pockets of her coat.

"8 months," she hummed in response with a smile, "I can't wait to finally get out of this shit hole of a city. I found an apartment in Tennessee, close to where his cousins live," Nora sighed, pressing her cheek against the scratched window of the train. "Hopefully, I'd be able to give Carter a better life. New York's too overwhelming for the two of us."

My lips curved sightly, forming a smile. I was happy for her, she worked so hard to get where she is and provide the two of them a simple and easy life. Albeit, I was really jealous of her but at the same time couldn't be prouder of what she managed to accomplish. "I'm happy for you, baby," I smiled, "You'll make it big, I'm calling it."

"I wish," she chuckled lowly, sinking back into her cushioned seat, "Sometimes, I feel a bit selfish for keeping Carter with me for all these years. We've been through a lot but.." Nora winced, "It's something no kid should ever go through."

My smile faltered slightly and I leaned closer, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, am I a good mom?" She asked, genuine concern and curiosity swirling in her eyes. "I'm barely there for my own son. Besides," she snorted, "I'm sure my parenting skills aren't matched with other girls."

I could tell she was heartbroken over this little pinch of doubt. If anything, Carter was proud of his own mother, and if you met the boy you'd realise very quickly that he grew very attached to her. They were both only 16 years apart, so it was obvious she was more lenient, more outgoing and fun.

They were more like best friends than mother and son.

"You're a great mom," I looked over at her, giving her a reassuring smile, "You're doing much better than a few I know of. You're trying, and that's all Carter really needs from you."

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