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(old doll (out of tune piano) • emptiness, love.nicotine)

Seungmin fell silent at once. All the color drained from his face, and he didn't even try to hide it.

"Did y'all hear that?" Changbin asked with a hushed and shaky voice. The others simply nodded, frozen in their places. Though Seungmin definitely seemed the most scared out of all.

Another sob was to be heard. It sounded slightly muffled, as if it was coming from a different room. Which it probably was.

Hyunjin looked over to one of the doors on his right. It seemed pretty normal. It fitted perfectly with the other doors and the hallway. It was white. It was blank. And it stood ajar.

Still completely frozen into place, Hyunjin tried to contemplate his choices. Minho had noticed where he had been staring at, and was now standing with wide open eyes too.

After walking past all these doors for almost two days with nothing happening, it's strange and scary when they do get involved in something.

Seungmin had already been staring at the ajar door. His eyes spread wide and filled with terror. His face pale as chalk and his lower lip trembling.

Isn't he slightly overreacting? Hyunjin thought. I mean, he wasn't judging, not at all. He too was scared out of his pants. But Seungmin seemed as if he was reliving some kind of childhood trauma.

Hyunjin focused back on the door. He gulped.

He could just walk away with the rest of the alliance, but that would be extremely lily-livered. There was a kid, literally crying for help. Don't all your morals then tell you to help it?

Another scream. As if unfrozen with an electric shock, Hyunjin came into motion. With calculated steps he walked slowly towards the slightly ajar door.

The sobs indeed got louder as he got closer to the door. He let out a shaky sigh to relieve the tension and fear building up in his chest. To no avail.

"Don't." Seungmin spoke from behind him. His voice trembled feverishly. But Hyunjin didn't listen, nor did he even turn around to face the said male.

"Don't. Open. That. Door." Seungmin spoke again. His strict tone made Hyunjin stop in his tracks.
He turned around, for a second ignoring the loud sobs that emitted from behind the door.

"Why not?" He asked. Seungmin was shaking.
"Just don't." He said. Hyunjin nodded, but turned around either way. He walked closer to the door.

Seungmin suddenly came into movement as well and aggressively grabbed Hyunjin's arm.
"Don't open the goddamn door. We need to run while we still can." He spoke, his voice laced with terror.

Hyunjin jerked his arm out of the other's grip and threw him a nasty look. "There is a kid crying." He said. "I'm going to help it."

Seungmin shook his head. "Let it get through your thick skull!" He whisper-yelled. "Don't you remember where we are?"

Hyunjin fell quiet for a moment. Seungmin was right in that aspect. And there indeed was a voice in his head telling him to run. But still. The kid was crying. And he sounded desperate and scared.

Hyunjin walked closer to the door. He grabbed the doorknob and took a deep breath before opening the door a bit further.

The door was now spread open enough for Hyunjin to fit his body through. Carefully he stuck his head in the room.

It was a typical children's room you see in horror movies. The beige and blank furniture. The bed with perfectly made up sheets. The iffy smell. And not to forget the extremely creepy, dissonant tune coming out of one of those music boxes.

Monster's Labyrinth ~ Hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now