
287 14 69

(Softcore • The Neighbourhood)

Felix and Hyunjin were sitting against a wall. Felix was resting his head on Hyunjin’s shoulder, and Hyunjin had his face buried in Felix’s hair. Felix was asleep, as well as the rest of the group apart from him and Seungmin.

They had decided to take a rest. After chasing Felix for a day straight with barely any stops Hyunjin realised he had asked too much of his friends, so he decided to take a rest along with the others.

Well, rest? He stayed awake while softly stroking Felix’s hair. Seungmin officially held watch but Hyunjin just couldn’t not watch over Felix.

It wasn’t even that he didn’t trust Seungmin, on the contrary.
Yes, he didn’t like the man, but he did trust him.

It was just that after not seeing Felix for he didn’t count how many weeks, he just couldn’t fall asleep. It was almost unexplainable. He just had the urge to… protect Felix.
You know?

It was almost as if Felix was his responsibility to take care of. Which was funny, right? I mean, Felix is a grown man, but Hyunjin still somehow saw him as this fragile kid that had to be taken care of.
And Hyunjin wouldn’t be lying if he’d say that he enjoyed it wholeheartedly.

Apparently Felix had managed to somehow get his hands on disinfectant alcohol, which was stored in his backpack, so they used that in the meantime to clean his extreme infection until they reached the nursery.

With much dislike of Felix since it hurt like a bitch.

The familiar scent that intruded his nostrils calmed him down. Even the vague smell of blood couldn’t ruin his good mood.
He took a lock of Felix’s brown hair between his thumb and index finger and let it slip smoothly through his fingers. He made sure to print every single strand of hair in his mind before he repeated the process.

For a second Hyunjin tore his gaze away from Felix’s sleeping face. He turned his head and locked eyes with none other than Seungmin. For just a quick second, Hyunjin thought he saw something like… no. It can’t be right?


However, before Hyunjin could make sure what he saw Seungmin was already looking in another direction. He was looking at Changbin, to be specific.

Seungmin sighed. His gaze seemed to soften when he watched the sleeping man's face. Changing didn't look quite charming while sleeping, but seungmin still looked at him that way for some reason.

“So what are you two exactly?” Hyunjin asked curiously. He knew it wasn’t any of his business but he couldn’t help but notice the chemistry between the two of them.

Seungmin’s face suddenly reddened. “Who?” He asked, pretending to be oblivious of the clarity of his feelings. He didn’t look Hyunjin in the eyes nor did he watch the sleeping Changbin anymore.

“I can tell you two are more than friends.” Hyunjin chuckled. He watched as Seungmin lifted up his hand and desperately tried to rub the skin on his cheeks to make the blush disappear.

“It’s none of your business.” Seungmin mumbled. He looked down at his lap as he started rubbing his neck. At some point he seemed to scratch himself though, as he flinched in what Hyunjin assumed was pain and retreated his hand from his neck.

“But am I wrong?” Hyunjin teased. Seungmin shuffled uncomfortably, Hyunjin chuckled.
“Maybe?” Seungmin said. He raised an eyebrow and trew a questioning look at the wall in front of him, almost hoping for the marble to burst open and answer all his uncertainties.

Hyunjin chuckled again. He found the other’s behavior quite amusing.
“Enjoying yourself?” Seungmin joked, still with the prominent redness in his face.
“A lot actually.” Hyunjin started laughing softly until Felix grunted. Both men fell silent at once and Felix seemed to succumb back into his comfortable dream filled with Hyunjin.

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