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Alex's POV

"Mum what the fuck do you mean by that" I seethed

"I and your dad decided that you and Alexandra will complete your senior year in Nigeria" Mum replied like she just said a meaningful statement.

"You don't get to make decisions like that for us" I said balling my fists.

When I first heard this, I thought it was some ridiculous idea popping up in her head but now she wants to carry it out, that's just crazy.

"I am not going anywhere" I said to her

"That is no way to speak to your mother Kitan" Dad said and I knew he was angry.

"I and your mother are the reason why you are so spoilt, you and Alexa are leaving for Nigeria tomorrow or else you will be on the next flight to military school"

"Wow you all are being fucking serious. I won't be able to cope, dammit" I swore

"You will be attending the same school with your cousin Charles and during the holidays you will stay with my mum" Dad said

"Tomisin, I hope you have packed?" Dad asked

"Yes daddy" Alexa replied and I gave her the stink eye, so she knew all this while so much for having a twin pact.

"Alex, give it a chance. Nigeria isn't so bad" Mum said cupping my face with her hands. "Trust me, it isn't easy for me either. I will miss you both but I need to do this so both of you can learn and it is only for a year"

I looked at Mum and I could see how sad she was and how she will be much worse if I refused. I had an inner battle with myself, after all it was just for a year.

"Fine" I replied before going upstairs.

I met Alexa seated on my bed with my boxes on it too.
"You finally agreed" She said smiling at me.

"You are such a bad twin, you know. You didn't even tell me" I said pissed at her and she smiled sheepishly.

"Honestly, I feel like we are gonna like Nigeria" She replied

"Speak for yourself sis" I replied "I was this close to banging Isabelle Brooks"

"Oh for the love of God, shut up" She said looking at me in disdain

"Anyways does Charles know we are coming?" I asked

"Yeah he does and he is happy"

"Wow so Nigeria huh, I hope they do have some nice chics" I replied earning a pillow throw from Alexa

"Pervy idiot" She said

"I can't believe that we are on a plane to Nigeria" Alexa said squealing

"Ma'am, please respect yourself" I muttered and she grinned.

"I am sure mum is worried sick right now" She said

"It's her loss anyways" I replied softly

"Hey don't be like that, as I said Nigeria will turn out nice for us" Alexa turned to me, her eyes glinting with hope as she squeezed my hand "NO matter what happens, I am here with you"

"Thanks Sis" I replied hugging her as she laughed.

Oh well Nigeria here I come and for the first time in a while, I felt peace within. Who knows I might find what I am looking for here.

"Murtala Mohammed Airport" Alexa read "Murtala Mohammed"

I looked around the airport. Who were we even waiting for? Alexa took pride in walking around and I had to follow her as the good brother I am.

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