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Carrie's POV

"Hey" I sent

"Minnie, what's up?" He replied

"Uhm..sorry, I can't call so I have to text" I sent

"Are you having a class?" He replied

"Yes, I am having a maths class but I can't seem to understand" I sent

Mr Omolade walked towards my table so I hid my phone under my skirt and pretended to be solving. When he went back to the board, I resumed texting Alexander.

"Sorry, I was almost caught" I sent

"NO worries, I am in the library now. I guess we will add Maths to our lessons" he replied

"Yay thanks Alexander" I sent

"When will you be free. I want us to use the library" He replied

"After this period, I don't have anything again for today" I sent

"Well, they are having Economics and Geography for the next 4 periods in my class so I am free too. Meet me in the library. Stop texting listen, Minnie" He replied.

"Sure" I sent smiling

"Miss Kingsley, since the work seems simple. Please come forward and explain it" Mr Omolade said.

"Oh shit" I muttered passing my phone to Sharon to hold.

I walked forward while rubbing my palms on my skirt. I looked at the equation on the board and I couldn't understand a thing.

"Haew, I don die be this" I thought

"Well, to find x, you..." I started "You...I don't know sir"

"Why were you smiling then?" He asked

"Reflex action, Sir" I replied

"Go back to your seat and pay attention" He said and I walked back to my seat.

Alex's POV

I was scrolling through Carrie's Instagram page and damn...she is gorgeous. I felt like a stalker but I didn't care. Girls do the same thing. She had 6k followers, I decided it won't hurt to follow her.

"Library really?" Alexa asked sitting down.

"Just so you know that seat is for someone" I replied

"Oh let me guess Carrie, you guys have each other's numbers too. How glorious, now tell me what is your motive with my friend?" Alexa interrogated.

"I and Carrie are just good friends okay and I am to teach her Economics and Maths in the next 20 minutes so please can you leave" I said shooing my sister away.

"I will be back" She replied dramatically.

"Sure thing sis" I replied returning to my screen.

"She is 5 minutes late" I thought while playing a game on my phone.

"Sorry, I am late. I was bringing everything I needed" She said sitting down.

"NO problem" I replied "You took out your braids?"

"Yeah, they got itchy" She said "You don't like the afro?"

"NO I do, it's honestly very pretty and full" I replied. Heaven knows I so wanted to touch the hair.

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