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Alex's POV

"You guys tried" Coach Dami said "I know you guys are getting ready for your exams but I think you all should still make time for Basketball practice not only on sports days".

"Yes coach" we chorused

I got distracted from what Coach was playing because of the girl's tennis team captain. I mean captain looks so good on her. She was wearing a white tennis cap, white tennis skirt and a white tanktop. 

"Alexander" Chris called as I sat down on one of the benches there "You play really well".

"Yeah, I played in Staten" I replied my eyes still trained on the captain who was ignoring me.

"You and Carrie huh? Anyways goodluck" he said patting my shoulder before leaving.

I knew she said she loved tennis but damn she was good, I always aced the tennis video games I played but I didn't know it was physically this hard.

"Take 10" She shouted after dropping her bat.

I walked towards their court and if she saw me, she didn't act like she did.

"Carrie" I called and she turned to face me.

"I am busy coaching, Alexander, call Hadirat, ooh, she is also playing tennis" She replied.

Did I ever say it but she looked gorgeous when jealous?

"I don't need Hadirat, I want Carrie. I am sorry that I allowed Hadirat to ruin things on Saturday and you are an amazing coach and tennis player" I said and she smiled.

"I know right, I am such a bad ass on the court. You would know, since you have been staring" She said feigning anger.

"I learn from the best. Are you done here or should I wait?" I asked.

"I guess Tara can take up from where I stopped" She said

"Yeah" I replied bringing out my phone to reply to a message.

"Omotara" She shouted "Take over, I have somewhere to go to"

"NO p" Tara replied

"Let's go" She said taking her black duffel bag.

We were both meant to like have showers in the changing rooms but please who still showers this days? Definitely not me.

"How were the tests?" She asked

"Good, they were easy especially Math and Physics" I replied

"You are a wizard, Chika and Avery complained so much about it eh and I am a witness that maths was useless. Nawa for who no smart oo" She said.

I saw Oscar and Alexa at the end of the hallway and my blood began to boil. Doesn't the bastard understand English?

"What is that bastard doing with my sister?" I asked about to move forward when I was held back by Carrie "What?"

"Just calm down, Alexa isn't a child. Whatever is going on between them isn't your business until she decides to tell you" She said stirring me the other way.

"But she is my twin sister" I said

"But she is still a different person" She replied as we walked passed through the other entrance "You know Oscar isn't bad at all. He is my bestfriend for a reason. He is sweet and nice and ready to fight for me anytime".

"Do you like Oscar?" I asked jealous of her praises of him.

"Noo, like ew gross. I and Oscar won't last, we are very different" She said

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