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Carrie's POV

I came back like 3 hours ago and I still couldn't get over the feeling of my bed, my sacred space.

"Amanda" Mum shouted from downstairs

"Ooohhhh" I groaned before replying "MA, I am coming".

I grudgingly stood up from the bed and went to answer her before she beheads me, abeg.

"Ma" I said as I got to her

"Ehen Amanda, Chidozie is staying with us for his IT" Mum said and I looked past her to my cousin who stood few feet away from me.

I hated my extended family members especially the males due to past occurrences and I couldn't help but feel scared.

"Why?" I asked

"Because he got a job here, ä ju-zinam ajuju biko (stop asking me questions)" She replied.

Mum left us in the living room to get something and Chidozie began to smile weirdly at me.


That was what was ringing in my head as fear began to wash over me. I could feel the tears and memories messing me up again, I slowly began to slip into an unconscious state.

"Aunty, aunty" Chidozie shouted for Mum "Amanda is fainting oo".

"Chimamanda" Mum called before I blacked out.


I woke up to see mum crying beside me and I wondered what happened.

"Mum" I called softly

"Chi, you are awake" She replied hugging me and I felt comfort. I loved my mum's hugs "You passed out yesterday".

I suddenly remembered the events that led up to now and that dread washed over me again and I think Mum knew why I passed out.

"Chi, Chidozie isn't like Henry. Chidozie will never do such to you" Mum said

"How are you so sure?" I asked cleaning my tears

"Because Dozie takes you as a sister, always have and always will. He never knew about what Henry did but when I told him he was very angry. He wanted to go to avoid causing you anymore harm" Mum explained

"Can I speak to him?" I asked

"Sure" She replied leaving

"Amanda, hey. I am sorry that Uncle Henry did. I didn't want to be the reason you remembered bad experiences" he said "I smiled that way at you cause when you were younger, you loved pulling faces at me so I just did it for old times sake. I am so sorry".

"I am not angry oo" I replied hugging him "Thanks".


Alex's POV

"Hey how you doing" I asked over the phone

" I am good just had a mild asthmatic attack" She replied

"Shit" I cursed "you are okay though, right?"

" Yeah I am" She replied weakly

I wanted to ask her more questions but I decided against that, if she is ready she will tell me.

"Well Alexa says hi" I said

"Yeah I forgot to call her sef" she replied


"Grams" Alexa said as we ate

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