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Carrie's POV

"Amanda i na-aghi anu ihe" Mum said (you don't listen) as I murmured to myself.

"If I hear you murmur one more time, your face will meet the back of my slippers" She threatened amd I shut my mouth.

"I am going to the mall now with my friends, make food and give Caden, i na- anu (are you hearing).

"Yes mommy" I replied as she walked past me entering her car. As she drove off to a good distance, I hissed and entered into the house.

"Sissy Carrie, I want fries and chicken" Caden said and I eyed him in anger. They will keep on spoiling this boy eh.

"You can't have fries, all I can make for you is noodles, if you don't want it then you wait till mummy is back" I replied returning my eyes to my phone screen as he began to cry.

"I want fries, I want fries" he cried loudly

"I will not answer you when I finish making the noodles and you decide that you don't want to eat eh, you leave it but as for that fries lie lie I will not do it" I told him and he burst into a fresh round of tears. What a dramatic child.

After making the noodles, Caden had no choice but to eat it and I laughed at him as the good sister I am.

"Guy, you dey resume on Saturday" Avery asked me

"I don't know oo, I will probably sha" I replied blowing the nail polish on my nails.

"Anyways we are going to pay for the premium room so we can all be in a room" Avery scream happily.

"E go make die" I replied smiling too before I heard the familiar honk of my mothers car "Omo Avery later oo".

"Sure" She replied and hung up

I rushed round the house tidying everything so as not to get beaten.

"Good afternoon mum" I said to her as the maids went to carry the bags she came back with.

"Ehen Amanda.." Mum started as I walked with her upstairs

"Yes mum" I replied

"Your dad will be back tomorrow..." She started and I cut her off by my excited screams.

"Mechie onu( Shut up), so as I was saying I want you to cook fried rice and oha soup tomorrow, do you understand" She asked

"Yes mummy" I replied happy before Caden came inside.

"Mummy good evening, Carrie refused to give me fries" Caden cried hugging my mum as I eyed him.

"Chimamanda, ogini kwanu(what is it?). You always do this to your younger brother, why" she asked

"Mummy but I made noodles for him oo" I replied as she gave me a look that said I will soon slap you

"Caden, go to Maria and ask her to fry chips for you to eat, okay" She said rubbing his head

"Thank you mum" he replied blowing raspberries at me before running downstairs.

I stood there awkwardly not knowing if I should go or not, I contemplated on the odds and decided to leave but was stopped by mum's voice.

"Chi, you have the last session with Dr Winnie before you go back to school on Friday" she said looking at me and that one statement had my walls shattering.

"Chi, are you okay, talk to me. I am your mother" Mum said hugging me as the tears rolled down my cheeks "You will be fine, baby"

After my mini breakdown with mom, I slept off not long before I woke up in a pool of sweat.
I checked the time and it was 3am. That is a new record, 6hours straight of sleeping. I knew there was no point in going back to sleep cause my fears are there so I woke up and watched some Netflix until like 6am.

At least a good thing was happening today, my superman was coming back to Nigeria.

2 hours later

"Oh shit, I have to cook sef" I remembered before rushing into my bathroom to freshen up.

"Maria, take the chicken out of the grill and turn of the gas cooker" I said cutting the cabbage.

"Amanda, your dad has landed oo, I will go to the airport now with the driver" Mum shouted from the living room

"Okay mum" I replied hastily cutting the Cole slaw ingredients

20mins later

"Call me chef chi" I said hailing myself

"Chef chii" Maria said hyping me

"Caden" I screamed

"What?" He asked looking at me

"Leave that useless game and come and sit here to wait for daddy" I said and he looked at me like I was stupid.

"NO" he replied

"Ehn, you have mind abi" I started before I was cut short by dad's voice.

"You two can never change"

"Daddy" I screamed jumping on him and he laughed

"Princess" he said hugging me back

"Please oo leave my husband" Mummy said

"I missed you pops" I said pulling away for Caden to hug him

"Lil man, I missed you and you too princess" he replied

"And what of me?" Mum asked

"You too my queen" Dad said kissing her

"Drama queen" I muttered to myself.

"All of you should let your father go and freshen up. Darling, I made you lots of food okay" Mum said

"It was me oo" I muttered and Dad laughed before going upstairs.

We all sat at the dining table laughing at all dad's tales form his stay in England.

"That's true, I got you all something" Dad said and I smiled because Dad gives the best gifts.

"Daddy, Carrie is always mean to me" Caden said sulking

"That is a lie na haba" I said hissing.

"Manners young lady" Mum chided

"Caden sorry on your sister's behalf" Dad replied

"Guess who got a new Macbook" I said on our group voice call

"Oh my god, babes, this mac book is giving" bisi said

"Agba(boss), na you oo" Chika said laughing

"It's sha all of us that owns it oo" Avery added

"Just dey play" I replied "Guys, I have a session with Dr Winnie tomorrow"

All of them went silent, they knew how much of a touchy subject this was for me.

"Should I come with you?" Avery asked

" Nah, I will go alone" I replied

"Are you okay though? Bisi asked and I nodded

"You will be fine my love" Chika said.

After Bisi and Chika left the call, Avery looked at me like she could see through me and she could.

"Just give it a chance, I just want you to be okay" She said

"I will be... someday" I replied cleaning my teary eyes

"I got you girl" She said

"Thanks" I replied and she smiled before hanging up leaving me to bawl my eyes out.

I reached for my pills under inside my drawer as my hand shook. I promised I wouldn't take them anymore but I really needed them. Without any hesitation, I popped two into my mouth and swallowed.

"You are damned" my subconscious chided me as I curled into the ball on the floor

A/n: Phew I am so happy to start this  and is she really damned.
My poor baby, chaii.

Love ya all 

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