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Charles's POV

I didn't expect the start of my Ss3 to go this way. It hurt me to end things with Avery and I just needed her to figure out her shit.

"Bro, are you crazy?" Alex asked

"What?" I asked

"You broke up with Avery, why?" Alex asked "Alexa just chatted me saying that Avery is crying. Please don't tell me you broke up with her because of us".

"She just needs to figure her shit out okay" I replied

"I just hope you figure out your own shit before it's too late" Alex said.

Carrie's POV

I watched as my bestfriend broke down in front of me. I had never seen Avery so sad and vulnerable.

"Carrie, he broke up with me" She cried as I hugged.

"He is stupid" I replied

"NO, I am the stupid one. I threw everything down the drain. I am such a fool" She said.

"Avery, please stop crying" Alexa added


All of us missed dinner because Avery was still a crying mess. She refused to come for prep and Alexa decided to stay with her because I had to take care of something else.

I walked into Ss3 Hyacinth and I was determined to wait there until Alexander came inside.

I checked my wrist watch and it was 30 minutes before other students came to the school building. I calculated that Alex didn't really eat or chat with anyone during dinner so he was always one of the first in the building. I was really desperate for this to work.

I heard footsteps approaching so I hid behind the door. I felt so stealthish and I hoped the security cameras didn't pick me up as a thief.

"Lord, please let it be him" I prayed

I saw the person who walked in, he was on a black hoodie and yes, the slides. I quickly closed the class door and stood infront of it, if he wants to run away he has to pass through me.

"Carrie" he said facing me "What are you doing, move away from the door, please"

"I want to apologise and you have been making it so hard" I said

"NO need for that, just please move?" He asked so politely that I almost gave in.

"Alexander, please hear me out. You don't have to feel guilty for what happened to me, it was my fault and Avery was totally wrong in what she said. You guys are my friends and I know we just met but I feel like we have a connection, I mean we all. I am sorry for what is wrong with Alexa and you need to realise you can't change that. You are a good brother and a nice person. I will really like for you to stop avoiding me and also help me in Economics cause I will so fail. Please?" I apologised.

"Carrie, I just don't think I can be your friend. What if I can't be there for you when something happens just like Friday?" He said and I could see the conflict in his eyes. He was scared.

"Then you can be there for me after the thing happens. Honestly life with me is a roller-coaster everyday and I don't expect you to keep up but it's good to always know at every stop someone's got your back. Friendship is two sided, you can't give and I keep on receiving. We might not be able to control somethings but we can handle them together as friends. Please Alexander" I pleaded.

"You are really crazy person and I haven't seen someone beg me so much in a while" He replied laughing "I was never mad at you but I just reconsidered my actions"

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