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Carrie's POV

"Mum" I said looking at the woman beside me "The mock was kind of hard na".

"Eh hard but you didn't fail Maths and Economics but you failed Government abi?" Mum asked

Today was our school's visiting day and since Dad couldn't be here, Mum and Caden came. I stared at the full parking lot in awe. Parents get time sha.

"Let's just leave the car first na, maybe we can go to the Sports area" I said and Mum scoffed.

"Ehe na, that is what you will say, Let's go" Mum said coming down from the car.

"Carrie, you failed" Caden said laughing.

"Shut up before I slap you" I replied to him earning a knock from mummy.

I held the pizza box and picnic basket Mum brought as we walked to the school's sports area. My mum was just 36 years old but she looked so young that you could mistake her for being my older sister. We walked in and I spotted Alex and Alexa with a woman that looked around 50 but she was so beautiful.

"Ga chorom other (go and find me chair)" Mum said and I rushed to get three seats for us.

We sat down and dropped everything on the table. I saw Alexa drag Alex and they walked over to where we sat.

"Carrie hi. Good day Ma" Alexa said

"Good day Ma" Alex said

"How are you both doing?" Mum asked smiling. Nawa oo but if it's me na she will be forming.

"Mum this are Alexander and Alexandra Deville" I said "Alex is the reason I passed Maths and Economics".

"Haa thanks for teaching her. It's nice to meet both of you" Mum said hugging them "Please come and join us".

"Don't worry ma" Alex replied smiling at Mum.

"Thanks same ma" Alexa said "Can Carrie come and meet our grandma?".

"Sure Chimamanda go and greet their grandmother, be respectful oo" Mum said then whispered.

Mum gave them chocolates and I was annoyed at her because if it's me na, she will say it's not good for my teeth.

I stood up and went with Alexa and Alexa towards their table.

"Your mum is so beautiful" Alexa said

"Thanks" I replied feeling the tension in the air because of I and Alexander. I wished he could just acknowledge me.

We got the the table and I saw Charles giving the woman a kiss on her cheek. She was so beautiful and exquisite like her gown screamed Vietnam, I know cause Mum owns a big boutique.

"Grams please" Charles begged as we got closer.

"Grams meet Carrie" Alexa chirped as they sat down.

"Oh hello my dear. You are so beautiful" She said in her rich accent that sounded similar to the twins own.

"Good day Ma" I said bending a little to show courtesy since she was Yoruba.

"How are you doing?" She asked

"I am good Ma and you?" I replied

"Very well my dear" She said "Kitan, give her something"

"NO ma, it's not necessary" I said and she waved me off.

"Please do take something. The Devilles are givers and it's a tradition to never let visitors or friends go empty handed" She said.

"Here" Alexander said holding out a big Hollandia yoghurt and burger for me.

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