Twenty One

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Carrie's POV

I woke up today with cramps and I knew the day couldn't get any worse but I guess there is nothing worse than an impromptu drug test in the school.

"Carrie, are you okay?" Alexa asked as we walked together after assembly.

"Yeah just cramps" I replied trying to not sound terrified at the early announcements.

"Are you going to do the tests?" Alexa asked nervously

I honestly had no idea what or how to evade the drug test. The punishment if drugs were found in your blood is expulsion and I didn't want to create a scandal for my parents.

"I really don't know, Alexa" I replied cleaning tears from my eyes.

This past week has been so freaking annoying, I have never been sadder.

"Carrie" Nathan called putting his hand around my waist "Hello Alexa".

Alexa looked at him with so much hate "I will see you later" and she walked away.

"What were you talking about?" He asked

"Oh nothing" I replied

"Are you lying to me?" He growled and I felt so scared at his sudden demeanour.

"Noo, I am not" I replied peeling off his hand that was digging into my skin.

"Sorry" He said "I didn't mean to hurt you".

I didn't want to hear him out so I walked out. I was so tired of everything. Tears clouded my eyes that I didn't know where I was going so I walked straight into someone.

"Sorry" I mumbled cleaning my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Minnie, are you okay?" Alex asked and I froze.

It felt like eternity since we spoke and I knew that I still liked him from the way my heart thumped loudly in my chest.

"Excuse me" I replied trying to walk past him but was blocked.

"Carrie, I am sorry. I went out of line, please forgive me" He said

"Please excuse me" I replied trying to move him but he wouldn't budge.

"I just wanted you to see Hadirat in a less repulsive way" He exclaimed.

"Well I don't want to see her in that way. You don't know her Alexander and not you or anyone knows anything about me so just don't judge" I yelled before pushing him away and this time he didn't stop me. A part of me was sad, maybe I really wanted to see if he will pick me this time.

Alex's POV

I felt so down amd depressed like things just didn't make sense anymore.

"Hey man" Leo called "Go and do your drug test oo".

"Oh thanks for the reminder" I replied

I had forgotten about the announcements made earlier on. It seemed unnerving to me since the principal was like she heard that people were using drugs in her school and now all seniors have to do a drug test. I was so worried that someone wants to ruin Carrie through this but I felt maybe she can find a way to thwart the results since she is the Health prefect.

"Avery" I said to the girl that bumped shoulders hardly with me. I guess I deserved it.

"What do you want Alex. You want to insult my bestfriend again or worse still..." Avery started.

"I am sorry" I said cutting her off.

"That changes nothing shey you get. Like bro, I been dey support una relationship but you just had to be foolish" She retorted.

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