Twenty Two

22 5 0

Nobody gets me by SZA
Listen to this guys, it gives the mood for the book

Carrie's POV

I walked into the health bay and felt my palms sweating. I knew I had to do the drug test. I had made my mind to do it, then I will replace the results with a fake one.

"Carrie" Nurse Kiki said "Are you here to help out, I thought your shift is tomorrow".

"NO I am here for the drug test" I replied rubbing my sweaty palms on my skirt.

"Oh okay then you know where to go to na" She said "And don't look so pale, okay".

I left Nurse Kiki at the reception and walked towards the laboratory part of the health bay. I saw a small queue of students and I went to take my place behind the last one.


I walked into the lab with my heart beating frantically in my chest. I could smell doom everywhere. The voices were talking again.

"Haa today you are gonna get caught"
"Everyone will know how much of a phony you are, people will see the real addict in you"
"Run away, just run, you know they will get you soon"
"Everyone will see your scars, everyone will know your darkest secrets. They will talk about how his hands were on you".

"Stop" I whispered fighting the voices in my head,

"Next" the lab assistant shouted pulling me from my reverie.

I walked to the lab assistant sat on the chair there watching as he brought out the syringe and the rest.


"Nurse Kiki when will the results be out?" I asked

"Oh like next tomorrow or so" She replied

"Okay" I said annoyed at the fact that my shift wasn't that day.

I was going to either steal it or beg Leo for his turn for the day, wow, I couldn't risk being expelled.

I walked out of the health bay to see Nathan waiting there for me. I really didn't like the fact that he gave me no breathing space like what the hell, biko.

"Nathan, why are you here?" I asked trying my best not to be annoyed by his sudden presence.

"Can't I escort my girlfriend back to the school building after a stressful day of getting a drug test done. You seem pale, are you okay?" He said placing his hand on my back to which I flinched at the sudden contact.

"I am fine, thanks for being here but you don't have to honestly" I replied.

"But yet I want to" he replied

"Okay" I replied

Avery's POV

"Awww Chika and Dele sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" I cooed as Chika blushed profusely.

"Guy stop na" She cried hiding her face with her pillow.

"Finally, both of you have come to your senses" Carrie said laughing at Chika.

I was so happy for Chika and Dele because I have been one of their major shippers even when they didn't realise it themselves.

"So Chika do you like Dele now?" Bisi asked

"I really really like Bamidele" She replied smiling sheepishly.

"How lovely" I grinned "Dele, better come and pay his respects to us oo".

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