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Carrie's POV

I woke up to the blinding lights of the hospital ward. I sat up removing the oxygen mask from my face. I didn't want to be here. The smell of methylated spirits and cotton wools made me want to vomit.

"Hey" Avery said walking in with chocolates.

This is one of the many reasons, I love this girl. I could make out Oscar's tall figure behind her.

"Hi" I replied as she hugged me

"You scared us" She said her voice breaking "I am sorry I wasn't there for you"

"It wasn't your fault okay. It was a random attack that could have happened to any asthmatic patient" I replied "Hey Oscar"

"Carrie, you have to take care of yourself please" he said

"I will" I replied "Can I leave here please?"

Kamsy and Bisi walked through the doors and Avery looked mad.

"Where the fuck were you, Bisi?" She asked

"Avery, I don't have strength abeg. At least I have come abi" Bisi replied.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kamsy asked

"Yeah, I feel better now" I replied

"You honestly scared me" he said hugging me then kissing my forehead "If anything happens to you Carrie, it will hurt me. I know we aren't together but I still love you honestly".

I didn't see Bisi leaving until I heard the loud slamming of the door.

"Kamsy, she likes you" I said

"And I like you but yet I can't have you, that is the same for her" he replied.


I got back to the hostel to face another drama. Bisi was packing her things. I guess she wanted to leave the room and no one was trying to stop her.

"Bisola" I called trying to reason with her.

"Don't you dare call me, I hate you, Carrie" She said.

"Why are you saying this?" I asked suddenly angry.

"Oh you don't know why, let me tell you. First, you date my crush behind then you steal my friends from me. You are such a whore" She screamed.

"Bisi, you must be stupid" I yelled "Didn't I ask you before I dated Kamsy, what did you say no problem. Is it my fault that he doesn't like you?".

"You are just a lunatic, you think the world revolves around you. Making yourself a victim every fucking time, no one cares about your freaking past, let it go and quit throwing a pity party" Bisi yelled and she knew she crossed the line.

"Bisola, get the fuck out of my life and never come back" I spat with so much venom.

"Honestly, I knew you were stupid but not this stupid, Bisola. If I see you anywhere around us, I will personally deal with you or my name isn't Avery Idara Benson" Avery said and trust Avery to keep to her promise.

"I don't care" Bisis said and I knew she was lying but apparently I was done being a nice girl. She had it coming anyway.

"And Bisi no matter what you do, you can never be me" I said "Cause it's a curse"

After Bisi left, we all turned to Chika. I knew Bisi and Chika were bestfriends so I didn't expect her to still stay with us.

"You know you don't have to stay" I said

"Bisi was wrong and my staying has nothing to do with her. She is still my bestfriend but you guys are family" Chika replied.

Bisi's POV

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