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♪ I can't do this - K3NT4! ♪



To have a great aversion to, with a strong desire that evil should befall the person toward whom the feeling is directed; to dislike intensely; to detest; as, to hate one's enemies; to hate hypocrisy.

I think that's what I have toward Aace Rossi.

I feel it even more as I'm staring back at my reflection in this white dress. Yes, Erin and Aurelia woke me up this morning saying that I apparenlty had to find a wedding dress. Do I look like a fucking doll? And this dress is so ugly I want to rip it off my body.

"Okay.. Hum... Maybe not this one?" Erin says with her brows furrowed.

"Yes definitely..." Aurelia agreed, scrunching her nose. "You should try the last one." She advised touching the fabric of the dress.

I scoff. "I already tried three dresses. I had enough." I still looked at the last dress on the hanger. It was a bright lacy white dress, simple but pretty. I sighed.

They helped me put it on zipping the back of dress, because that shit was long as fuck.

"Woah." Aurelia muttered with her mouth wide open.

"You look stunning. That dress definitely suit you better!" Erin jumped in excitement. I shrugged my shoulders, I had to admit the dress was fucking pretty.

"How much does it cost?" I asked already concerned for how much I'll have to pay for a fake wedding dress.

"Don't worry about that." Erin assured me.

"Well, I'm going to pay this fucking dress so yes I'd like to know how much it costs."

"Aace gave us his card for the dress and other accessories so it doesn't really matter. That bastard is rich as fuck." She laughed.

Suddenly knowing that he was paying provoked a grin over my face. I looked  at some veil and a long and pretty one caught my gaze.

"You know what? Add this veil with the dress. I like it." I said picking it up. "And these shoes too. They are pretty."  A satisfied grin was over my face. Aurelia and Erin looked at each other laughing.

"That's what I like to hear." Aurelia's eyes brimmed with something I could identify as proudness.
And it was weird... But I think.. I liked those girls. They were funny, and it changed me from being with the asshole.

Speaking about him, I'm going to make him regret his little jealous acting at the club one week ago. He doesn't own me. I'm not his fucking pet, and he can go rot in hell if he thinks that I'm going to obey him. I did this promise to myself when I was seventeen, I will never submit to a man in my life. And I was on the verge of cutting his dick when he called me with his pathetic nickname. It wasn't cute, it was just literally traumatizing.

Later in the night I was sitting in his office. He doesn't let anybody goes in his office. And actually it was locked... But I might have stolen the key to enter. His office was entirely black- just like his heart must be, I thought. I was sitting in his chair and my feet with my heels on, were on the desk. And, I couldn't resist to take one of his cigar in his drawer. Yes the ones that comes from Cuba. The expensive ones. And, I don't even smoke actually, I think one of my favorites hobbies in the world is to taunt him.

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