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♪ High Enough- K.Flay ♪


The memories of last night hit me as I slowly wake up. Immediately my gaze comes to my thigh to verify it's okay. I see my thigh wrapped in a bandage and I suppose I have stitches under. I sigh, and I let my eyes fall shut.

I don't know what I did to deserve this. Sometimes Kirill does that. He gives me a pill that knock me off. He does that because he wants me to be either calm or easy to manipulate. I must admit; it doesn't feel really bad. Sometimes I even prefer being under the influence of it. Because when they hit me, it doesn't hurt as much as when I'm sober. It's like my body doesn't feel the pain anymore. It just endures it. I don't know if I'm a bad person. But sometimes, here, I feel like I am. It's my fault they say.
It's my fault they hit me.
It's my fault they touched me. I'm too beautiful to be only looked at, apparently.
It's my fault the bruises I have on my body.
I deserve it; they say.
Everything that happened to me here they put the blame on me.
It's my fault. I'm the one who's wrong. I'm the guilty. Not the victim.
It's my fault.
My fault.
My fault.

And I think I'm starting to believe it.

"JUST DO IT NOW!" Kirill said yesterday.

And I did. I had no other choice. He made me kill her. I killed the blonde girl. She wasn't older than me. She deserved to live. I hate Kirill so much.
I killed her. I can't even look at myself now. I feel like her blood is still on me. I don't recognize me anymore. I don't know who I am.

I killed her.
I killed her.

I'm a monster.
I'm a monster.
I'm a monster.
A monster; that's what I am.

I just want to feel normal again. I want to become again the old me. I want my mom. I just want to be happy again. I'm feeling like I'm always under water. And everytime I try to catch my breath at the surface, something pulls me back under.
I'm just so tired. I want to disappear. I don't have the energy to go on anymore.

I curl into a ball as the sob explode in every part of my body, and all my body shake with the strength of it.
I'm so tired. I can't do this anymore...
I don't want to be here anymore.

Sometimes I imagine I'm somewhere else. Far away from here. I imagine I'm on a beach. And it's the sunset. My hair flies with the wind. I can feel the sand under my feet. I smile as I see a shell in the sea. I get closer to take it, and when I do, the waves of water hit my feet. I laugh. The water is cold. But it doesn't bother me. I took the shell. It's so pretty. It's so pure. So... White like snow.
And at this moment I catch an unknown feeling inside of me.
A strange feeling.

I feel free.

I feel happy.

But when I open my eyes again I go back to reality and I feel nothing more than the heavy burden of my life. Of the suffering I have to endure here.
Please. Someone make it stop.

I sigh as I open my eyes again. "You need to stop torturing yourself with these thoughts." I tell myself. But apparently it's more easy to say than to do. I ignore the pain in my thigh as I get up and make my way to the basement.

It's been three hours since I've been training to shoot. And I missed every single target. What's happening? Since I was with Kirill I've always been a good shooter. I drop the gun angrily on the table as I reach for new bullets.

"You're supposed to be resting." I hear Aace's voice behind me. I roll my eyes.

"I'm on my feet. And I'm fine as you can see." I grit through my teeth.

"You're aware you need to let the wound heal ?"

"I don't give a fuck if you want me to be honest." I say nonchalantly.

"Always so goddamn stubborn. Well, you might want to listen to me because if you continue like this you're definitely going to miss every target."

"Okay genius. Drop the secret to achieve a good shot then." I mock him. "I'm listening."

He steps closer to me, his chest in my back and he whispers. "You have to rotate your body according to your supporting leg." He puts his hands on my hips, making my body rotate as I support myself on my left leg. "Put your left foot in front of the right one." And I don't know why but I listen to him. "Put your two hands on the barrel of the gun and keep your hands calm. They're shaking."

"Wow how did you noticed? I would've never known. Thanks for this information." I roll my eyes again.

"Just shut up and focus on the target now. Take a deep breath and shoot. At three. One... Two-" I don't wait. I shoot. And the bullet hit the center of the target perfectly. I smile proudly. It wasn't so hard finally.

"You did good." He says close to my ear. "But now Ivory you're going to tell who the hell were the men who attacked you."

Shit. I knew he was going to ask. "Again, it doesn't matter."

He grabs my wrist and turn my body so that I can face him. "It doesn't matter? Well, you see when two fuckers attack my woman I think it does fucking matter." He says seriously.

"They're dead. It's not a big deal."

"I'm going to ask again. Who. Were. They?"

I don't answer. I look at the floor, thinking what I should say.

"Nobody." I chose to lie. "They were nobody." I set myself free from his grasp and turn to leave but he grabs my wrist and says,

"If you don't answer my question, I'm going to fuck the answer out of you."


And in a instant I was thrown on his shoulder. And I could guess his feet were walking towards the bedroom.
But I think I want it...


Any comments? Any thoughts?

The beginning was pretty tough... 🤍 Ivory... 🤍🩹💔

I smell freaky soon but... 👀🤫🤫

Drop a ⭐!

IG: serena_wttpd.andbooks

See you in a short time!



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