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♪ Poison Tree - Grouper ♪


The sun hit my face. Aace didn't stop holding me through the night. He put me to bed and took care of me. He even washed me. I feel him caressing my cheek with his thumb.

"Hey, how do you feel?"

I shrug my shoulders. He looks at me with a hint of sadness.

"You've found me." I say, my voice filled with gratefulness. He took me out of hell.

"Of course. I'll always find you. No matter where you are. I'm capable of doing everything for you. And even if I hate having blood on my hands, if it's for you; then I'll gladly kill anyone."

"Aace... How much time I spent there ?" I ask.

"You were with him for twenty seven fucking days. And it kills me that I didn't find you sooner." He grits out and I can see his knuckles turning white.

"It's not your fault." I try to reassure him. "It's all his's. It doesn't matter now-"

"But what they did to you, what he did, I'm so sorry. This should've never happened. No one will hurt you anymore. I promise."

I don't know why but his words makes me cry instantly. I'm an emotional wreck right now. I nudge my head in the crook of his neck.

"As long as I'm alive, I'll do everything to protect you. And I swear that if one man dares to lay one of his fingers on you again, he'll lose his hands. And his life too."

A few days later...

I looked at my body in the mirror. All I see is their hands on me. The burn on both of my thighs; It's horrible. And disgusting. And it's big enough for everyone to see it.
I can't make this feeling of dirtiness go away. No matter how hard I scrub my body, or how hot the water is when it streams my body I'll never be free from the sin that they pushed me into. Because from the day I was touched for the first time, a sinner I became too.

I broke into a sob. Sometimes you act tough during the day, but the night when you're alone your demons won't knock to enter in your head. I feel a presence behind me and I don't have to turn to know it's Aace. I'd recognize his scent between thousand. He cups my face, concern itched across his face.

"What's happening, tesoro? Talk to me." He puts his forehead against mine.

I take a deep breath,
"I... Sometimes I feel their hands on me. It feels like they've ruined my body forever."

He tilts my chin up. "Ivory look at me. Listen closely. You are not dirty. It's what they did to you that's dirty. I love your body. I love you for who you are."
I cry.
"I know... I know it's not easy. I never said it was, but you're so much stronger than you think. I'm sure the younger version of yourself would've been so proud. You've made it this far for a reason."
He kisses my forehead.
"You're strongest woman I know. Sometimes I even admire you... Because even with all of what you've been through, you're still standing there. You used to even smile."

I chuckle sadly. "I'm not really in the mood to smile these days."

"I know. It's normal. You need to give yourself some time-"

"I'm tired of always trying to heal. Everytime I think the wound has healed someone takes a fucking knife and re-opens it. I'm tired of being broken."

He sighs. "It doesn't bother me that you're broken. I love you just the way you are. We all have a past, we all have demons. And no, don't think yours is too heavy to carry for me. Let me carry all of your burdens."

He puts his hands on my hips. "Do you feel my hands on you ? When you look at your body, I want to be the only hands you think of. Not their's. But mine. Maybe you can replace the negative memories of them by my touch. Because you know I'd never hurt you. I'll always make sure you're comfortable before doing something. Haven't I asked your consent everytime before we had an intimate moment together?"

"You did."

"Exactly. I could touch your body for hours just to make the feeling of them go away, only to replace it with the feeling of my touch. It makes me sad that you don't realize the masterpiece you are. When I look at you I don't find you disgusting or nasty. Or I don't see their hands on you. I see my hands that has touched your body. And how much I want to spend hours to worship you."

He takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom. I'm a bit confused when he lays my body on the mattress.

"I'm going to prove it to you. Do you trust me?" He searches my eyes.

"I do."

"First of all, whether you have a burn or not on your thighs, it doesn't matter." He kisses my thighs. "I love them that way too. It kind of makes you look badass." I chuckle lightly. "Yes they're pretty cute to me." He kisses my thighs and takes care of them like they're the most beautiful thing in the world.

Then he kisses my neck and I'm a little confused.

"And second of all, I'm going to kiss every single one of your moles just to prove you how much your body is beautiful."

He kisses another mole on my shoulder. He doesn't stop and what he's doing for me right now bring me tears in my eyes.

And he did.

He kissed every moles on my body.




In Aace we trust 🛐

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