Ally's Beginnings

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Adam Newman smiled as he walked into his office. Memories of yesterday flashed through his mind, clothes flying off, and office supplies scattered on the floor. Sighing, he started to clean up his office, he didn't need someone walking in and seeing the mess, especially Victor. Another sigh escaped his lips, Victor wouldn't be happy when he found this out, not that Adam cared. But he knew deep down, Sally wouldn't want to be the reason he fought with his father.

"Knock, knock" Adam turned to see the woman in question standing in the doorway.

"So, you do know how to knock," he said with a grin. Sally rolled her eyes as she entered his office. They looked at the desk where the action started before turning to each other.

"So" They both said at the same time, awkwardly chuckling. Adam made a hand gesture giving Sally the floor.

Smiling, Sally started, "Yesterday was amazing. Everything I thought it would be and more." Adam nodded in agreement. "However, if we are going to be sneaking around I don't want to continue. I will not be your dirty little secret."

"I would never do that to you." Adam explained moving closer to Sally. "I loved every second of yesterday. I have no desire to sneak around. I see no reason to keep you or this a secret." He leaned down to seal the deal with a kiss when a loud, annoying voice interrupted them.

"I can think of several" a large, booming voice said from the doorway. Adam and Sally broke apart to see Victor lurking in the doorway, looking somewhere between disgusted and horrified. Victor was clearly not impressed by what he saw, Sally surmised. The old man sighed as he entered the office, a lecture for his youngest son forming in his head. 'What in the hell was Adam thinking?' Victor thought to himself.

Adam braced himself for his father's tirade and he didn't disappoint. "Adam, my boy, what are you doing with this woman? Do you not remember what she's done to your niece? The lives she's destroyed both in Los Angeles and here." Victor was growing more annoyed by the second.

"Yes, dad, I know what she's done. But I've also done plenty of terrible things and so have you for that matter." Victor raised an eyebrow at that shot fired by Adam. "We were both given multiple chances to change and make amends, I don't see why Sally can't." Victor rolled his eyes at his son's attempts to defend the Spectra woman. Did he not hear that he sounded like a lovesick teenager? The two Newmans began arguing.

Sally watched them go back and forth, but she couldn't let it continue. As touched as she was by Adam's defense, Sally had to interrupt him, she had to stand up to the old man herself. She knew if she continued to let Adam fight her battles, she would never be taken seriously by anyone at Newman. And more importantly she had to let Victor know that she wasn't afraid of him.

"Adam, stop!"

The father son duo stopped their arguing when they heard Sally shout out. Both men turned their attention to the redhead as she started her defense. Adam was curious, Victor extremely annoyed. Sally didn't give him a chance to interrupt.

"Adam, I appreciate it, but I got this." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I understand why you are reluctant to trust me. I did terrible things both in L.A. and to your granddaughter. I deeply regret what happened with Summer. But it happened and I've apologized enough for it. I won't do it anymore."

"You don't think you should give Summer the apology she deserves." Victor asked her, shock visible both on his face and in his voice.

"I didn't say that." Sally answered. "I don't think it would do any good and besides Summer is doing great in Milan. I went after what I wanted, just like you would. I won't apologize for that, just like you wouldn't." She noticed Adam proudly smirking behind Victor's shoulder. "All I'm asking for is a fresh start. The chance to prove myself and Adam graciously gave one to me. I'm not going to bend over backwards trying to please you. Okay, I've said my piece, I will let you two gentlemen talk. I'll find you later Adam." The redhead turned to leave the office praying that she didn't put her new job in jeopardy.

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