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"Driven by a thirst for vengeance when he finally caught him there would be no mercy, only ruthless retribution

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"Driven by a thirst for vengeance when he finally caught him there would be no mercy, only ruthless retribution."


Chains hold his wrists and ankles to the bedposts, spreading his legs wide apart

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Chains hold his wrists and ankles to the bedposts, spreading his legs wide apart. He's completely naked and squirms, trying to break free, but the chains are too strong.

" me.."
He mutters

As the door creaks open, Felix's senses sharpen, and his heart skips a beat as he catches a whiff of Alpha pheromones wafting into the room.

His eyes widen in terror as the realization sinks in - an Alpha has entered. In that moment, fear grips him like a vice, his mind racing with the knowledge of what an Alpha could do to an omega like him.

Every instinct screams at him to flee, to hide, to protect himself from the unknown Alpha's potential advances. His body trembles with fear, and he feels small and defenseless.

Felix's thoughts whirl as he tries to steel himself for whatever may come next. He knows he's at the mercy of the Alpha, vulnerable and exposed in his current state.


As Felix lies there, the realization dawns on him that his heat is approaching. A faint scent of strawberries fills the room, a sign of his impending heat. He can feel the warmth between his legs, small droplets of slick beginning to trickle down his hole.


Through the haze of tears clouding his vision, Felix's senses are overwhelmed by the looming figure atop him, fumbling with the belt.
Panic surges within him as he helplessly squirms against the chains, his movements restricted and futile.

"You thought you could mess with the Hwangs and get away with it, didn't you filthy omega?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!I haven't done anything..spare me..."

The man's grip tightens on Felix's jaw, his siren eyes piercing into Felix's soul with an intensity that sends shivers down his spine.

"Don't play dumb with me, you fucking blondie. You kidnapped my sister, and now you're going to pay the price lifelong."

Felix's heart pounds in his chest as he struggles against the chains, his desperation mounting with each passing moment.

"Please mister, you have the wrong person! I swear, I didn't do anything!"

But the man's words are like a death sentence, hanging heavy in the air as he leans in close, his breath hot against Felix's ear.

"I'm going to take you raw and without consent each night, so that you realise what danger you tried to drag my sister into."

Felix's blood runs cold at the man's chilling words, the reality of his situation sinking in like a lead weight in the pit of his stomach. Helpless and alone, Felix can only pray for a miracle to save him from the horrors that await him in the darkness.

"Please....No mister..."

"I'll have lot of fun playing with you."

As the man's  fingers pry open Felix's mouth, Felix's eyes widen in horror, his muffled protests drowned out by the sound of his own racing heartbeat. With a vicious yank, the man pulls out Felix's tongue.

Felix's screams pierce the air as he writhes in agony, tears streaming down his cheeks. The taste of blood fills his mouth as the man presses the lit cigarette against his tender flesh, extinguishing it with a  hiss.

The smell of burning flesh fills the room as Felix's screams echo off the walls, each agonized cry a testament to the unbearable pain coursing through his body.
Helpless and defenseless, Felix can only endure the torment, his world reduced to nothing but pain and agony.

 Helpless and defenseless, Felix can only endure the torment, his world reduced to nothing but pain and agony

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