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As the blonde man inhales deeply from the drug-laced smoke, a sense of euphoria washes over him, clouding his senses and enveloping him in a blissful haze.
His surroundings blur as the drug takes hold, and he feels himself slipping further into a state of altered consciousness.

With each inhalation, the world around him seems to melt away, replaced by a  dreamscape where reality bends and twists in mesmerizing patterns. Colors dance before his eyes, and sounds become distorted echoes in the distance as he loses himself in the intoxicating drug.

Emerging from the haze of the drug, the blonde man blinks, his senses gradually returning to him..
A sense of wonder washes over him as he reflects on the newfound sensations coursing through his veins, his mind still reeling from the intoxicating effects of the drug.

"Damn that's amazingly fucking heaven!"
His doe eyes still hazed by the drug.

"Yeah it is, told you you're gonna love it!"

"So, what's the plan for tonight Yongbok, fucking around?"

The blonde man takes a moment to gather his thoughts, his mind still swimming with the remnants of the drug-induced haze.

With a  grin, the blonde man ruffles his  hair, As he stands up, he reaches for the bottle of alcohol, pouring himself a generous amount as he addresses his friend.

"Obviously! I am going to club and finding some chicks for a little one-night fun."

Yongbok settles into beside Taemin, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he pulls out his phone. With a sly grin, he opens a folder filled with videos.

"Check this out, Tae. Got a collection of sex tapes from all the girls I've hooked up with at the club. You can choose one."

As Taemin leans in, curiosity piqued, Yongbok plays one of the videos, the sound of moans fills the air as the camera captures intimate moments between Yongbok and a girl.

"I want pictures dude!"

"Just swipe and choose."

Yongbok watches with a raised eyebrow as Taemin scrolls through the pictures, a predatory glint in his eyes as he selects one of the sleeping girls as his next target.

"Going for that one, huh? She'll be a fun time."

Yongbok leans in close to Taemin, "Hey, just so you know, that girl you picked out was a virgin and not very experienced in bed. But," he adds with a grin,
"she's got some impressive big melons."

"You manage to pull off the finest chicks huh Australian?"Taemin teases.

Yongbok chuckles, his confidence unwavering as he shrugs off Taemin's teasing with a playful smirk.

"What can I say? I've got a way with dumb sluts to spread their legs."

His tone is lighthearted, his words tinged with amusement as he brushes off Taemin's words with ease. He's well aware of his own charms and the effect they have on the opposite sex, and he wears his reputation as a ladies' man with pride.

Taemin's eyes fall on Yongbok's brother's picture.
"Woah,your brother is an omega ain't he? He's got that feminine look about him not gonna lie."

Taemin's question is met with a chuckle from Yongbok, who nods in agreement.

"Yeah, he's an omega and definitely got that twink vibe going on."

Both of them burst into laughter, their amusement echoing off the walls as they indulge in the playful banter.

"Can you imagine!! My brother is an omega? The type to get fucked by some alpha and enjoy it! The worst thing is he got my fucking face!"
Yongbok's words are met with a mixture of laughter and disgust.

"Ew, dude, that's gross! Lol I can't even picture it, its like you spreading your legs for ano—owe."
Taemin gets a smack from Yongbok before he could complete.

"My twin with my face as some submissive little omega, begging for a man's cock. Ugh, makes me wanna puke. Why did we have to be twins!!"

"Hey, why don't you take your brother to a gay bar sometime? Maybe he'll finally spread those legs of his and let loose!"

Taemin's suggestion is met with uproarious laughter from both him and Yongbok, their amusement echoing through the room.

"Haha,you know my brother, He's such a goody-two-shoes. I bet he's never even seen  boobs, let alone porn, gay porn to be specific"

Yongbok's tone is teasing, with a hint of superiority as he pokes fun at his twin brother's innocence.

Taemin chuckles, finding amusement in Yongbok's jest.

"Seriously? Not even a peek? Man, he's missing out on all the fun."

"Tell me about it. He's too busy playing the perfect little angel while we're out here living life to the fullest."

Their laughter fills the room as they bond over their shared experiences, leaving Yongbok's brother as the unwitting butt of their jokes.

Deep down, though, Yongbok can't help but feel a pang of guilt at the thought of his brother's naivety.
He knows he should be protecting him from the harsh realities of the world, not making fun of him for his innocence.
But he is too ignorant to care.

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now