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⚠️Warning! R@pe ahead.

With a tight grip on Felix's hair, Hyunjin jerked his head upwards, forcing the omega to meet his gaze.
Felix winced at the sharp pain radiating from his scalp, his eyes wide with fear as he stared up at the alpha.

As Felix's head was forcibly raised, Hyunjin's eyes bore into him. He scanned Felix's trembling form, eyes lingering on the bruises and mark that adorned his face, endured at his own hands.
With a smirk curling his lips, Hyunjin uttered.
"Until you decide to open up about the information,I can use you in every way possible."

"Afterall I am an artist and your body is a beautiful canvas Lee Felix."

The car screeched to a halt and Felix's heart sank. Before he could even gather himself, Hyunjin grabbed him roughly, slinging him over his shoulder like a sack of grain.

The sudden movement left Felix disoriented, his limbs hanging as he was carried towards the mansion.

With each step Hyunjin took, Felix's eyes frantically scanned their surroundings. Guards stood at every corner,a reminder of the security surrounding the mansion. Escape seemed impossible.

As Hyunjin came to a stop, Felix's heart raced with panic, his instincts screaming for him to fight back. But before he could muster a response, another guard appeared, behind them.
The man placed a blindfold over Felix's eyes, cutting off his vision.

"Ex-excuse me? Mister? Put me down!!."

"Where are you taking me?!"

"Let go!!"

"Mister! Please!"

Felix squirmed and thrashed against Hyunjin's shoulder, his bound wrists useless but he was still hitting Hyunjin with all the strength he could muster. But his efforts were futile, the blows landing with little effect against the larger man's sturdy frame.

Felix felt the alpha descending the stairs, his heart pounded with a desperate urge to escape. Every fiber of his being screamed for him to run, to break free But deep down, he knew that it was futile.

After what felt like an eternity, Hyunjin finally came to a stop, and with a rough shove, he threw Felix down onto the floor. The impact sent a jolt of pain shooting through Felix's body, but to his surprise, his landing was cushioned by the softness of a mattress beneath him.

But before he could even attempt to remove the blindfold, the blanket covering him was ripped away from his grasp with force.His heart sank as he felt the fabric slipping through his fingers, a futile attempt to hold onto the last thing he had.

But Hyunjin's strength was no match, and he was left exposed and vulnerable, his body shivering as he lay in the darkness, completely at the mercy of his captor.

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now